Ability to Disable Pluton TPM on Framework 16

Hi everyone,
Just got my Framework 16 DIY kit and in the past 10 months since I ordered it; I figured the topic would come up but it hasn’t.
Is there any way to permanently disable the Pluton TPM (all TPM) on the system via the BIOS?


I have asked support directly now… lets see what they say since it seems that nobody knows the answer here in the forums…

Support told me it can be disabled in bios. I will see when / if I assemble my laptop.

If you use windows 10 it doesn’t recognise it anyway :laughing:

Recognition has little to do with TPM in general. The TPM can communicate directly on the network without you granting it access and it can spy on your memory directly.
It is essentially the definition of a hardware back door, and the Pluton module is the worst of any TPM ever released, as it is controlled by Microsoft, which we already know is one of the worst companies to ever exist in the history of the world. It has been less than two years since this chip has gone mainstream on the market and Microsoft is already using it for anti-consumer and various purposes. So who knows what terrors are in store for anyone with this chip active on their system going forward? What I am currently trying to research is whether or not disabling the chip in the BIOS is enough to stop it or not.

As usual, most people are totally uninformed about their security or the security of the hardware that they buy or use. Not only that but they are mostly trusting of large scale corporations which have proven time and time again to not care at all about their customers.


Please post your results, I am interested too!


That is a bit wild lmao
They can use it though to enforce you run specific softwares on the computer or prevent you from removing certain softwares. In the newest W11 builds they are using Pluton to protect a kernel driver that is preventing the use of some specific modding softwares as well as enforcing some policy about not changing the web browser preferences.
This recent example just shows the unprecedented powers of this chip embedded on your CPU with direct access to your memory.


So through the Bios there is an option to hide the TPM from the OS. You can then set the TPM’s function to “Nothing”.
It is under the Security Menu.

Another question: Ability to disable AMD PSP?

I didn’t see anything about the PSP in the BIOS. I don’t think I have seen a laptop that specifically has PSP off capabilities. I will check the BIOS of my Zen3 laptops again just for accuracy.

I will also check the framework BIOS again and see if I can find anything about PSP in there.

Here are all the images of the BIOS as of the current version.
Boot Menu

Advanced Menu

TPM Option (mine is hidden, there are more options if I turned it back on):

Security Menu

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It has both pros and cons then.

Both of those are cons sir.

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OK, enough political debate. There are plenty of places for that and this is not one of them.

This thread was resolved anyway, so it is now closed.