Adaptive Backlight Management (ABM)

If you want cutting edge features, you might be better off just changing distros. I’m assuming you’re on Ubuntu, because Fedora 39 is on 6.7 and 40 will already be on 6.8.


This is going down as the best advice I ever got so far…

Ubuntu doesn’t even feel officially supported in comparison and really should be listed under community supported

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The contrast and brightness is changed based on image content. If you compensate by adjusting the brightness manually you’ll not see the savings.

This is interesting. I’ve been plagued by an issue for the last few weeks on my AMD Framework where the screen with dramatically change contrast and brightness based on the contents. If I go between a screen with a very light overall hue to one with a dark one, and then back, it is very dramatic and jarring. It’s made using my laptop nearly unbearable!

This is under KDE on Wayland.

I tried to write more here, but Cloudflare keeps blocking my comment insisting that I’m trying to do a SQL injection. Here’s the rest of my comment, just asking for help to understand if ABM could be cause of my issue: ADM framework community comment —

If you want to disable abm on newer kernels you can follow the advice in the power profiles daemon readme for panel power savings:


Thank you so much! That looks to have done the trick.

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oh man, I’ve been wondering what the heck was wrong with my KDE Plasma wayland, why colors started to look so washed out with power save or balance profiles, I had to stay on performance always hahaha now I know why

hey, the good thing about this functionality is that when you get tired of the washed colors, you enable performance mode and then you get to see the whole color gamut, and then you remember what a good panel we have