AMD 13 Hopelessly Outdated. ;)

Naturally, I only received my AMD laptop a few weeks ago, and it’s obsolete!

j/k of course. :slight_smile:


ah the life of technology, that relentless march where your tech is out of date before you open the box.



First, they still use Zen 4, not Zen 5, and there are no significant upgrades to the GPU. So it’s not “hopelessly” outdated.
Then, as usual, when AMD launches them is one story, and when they will be available in the States is another story. We may see some laptops in China equip them at the beginning of next year.
If not Zen 5 or RDNA 3.5, then not obsolete.

read the whole post
j/k of course. :slight_smile:


We don’t normally announce future product plans, but we can share that we don’t have any current plans to update to Ryzen 8040 Series. The updates from Ryzen 7040 are too minor to justify launching a new Mainboard generation.


To re-emphasize, this was a tongue-in-cheek post, but I appreciate the info.


As others stated, from what I’ve read about this announcement, the differences between the 8000 series and the 7000 series are quite negligible unless you’re doing ML workloads. Negligible as in it’s pretty much the same chip.

Interestingly, AMD did mention that they expect improvements on the CPU and GPU via firmware optimizations. Which says to me, we should expect such optimizations to trickle down to our 7000s as well!

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iGPU front seems the same.
so not a big deal for me.
unless these new ML features are able to boost gaming performance greatly…

zen 4 is more of a mature successor to zen 3, a bit like the concept of Raptor Lake and Alder Lake, and the nearer maturity of the architecture means that there is less chance of problems, and even though Zen 5/5c has a huge generational performance improvement, I will still choose the mature old architecture.


I’m pretty sure that 8040 is the exact same thing (same die) as 7040.
7735 is the same as 6800 (Rembrandt)
7730 is the same as 5800/5700 (Cezanne)
7720 would have been the same as 4800/4700 (Renoir), but apparently, that didn’t happen ← corrected

I see it as a marketing problem. OEMs want new part number every year. Typical consumers are clueless (higher number must be good).

Edit: Regarding Zen2, I believe it stopped making sense to keep producing Renoir, as it’s no cheaper to manufacture than Cezanne. But Zen2 itself is still useful (small & efficient cores), so it lives on through Mendocino, which is 4-core/2CU-RDNA2 silicon (tiny), unlike Renoir, which is 8-core/8CU-VEGA silicon.

Also, people don’t seem to understand what it takes to tape out a chip design. It makes no sense to me to tape out a new chip with just the NPU chip doubled. A full mask set for a modern APU like this costs hundreds of millions of dollars from my understanding. And I don’t see how a major change like doubling of the NPU can be done without a full base layer change.

Sure, I could be wrong, but I just don’t see any company re-taping out a chip like 8040 series. My best guess is they figured out some way to clock the NPU higher, along with some other optimization, since it’s kind of new thing for everyone.


Heh, I think this is honestly what AMD is hoping for. As others have stated 2024 Zen 4 is the same as 2023 Zen 4. The Ryzen AI in the 2024 revision is a bit better but :man_shrugging:.

they want to enhance the AI part. speaking about the AI subprocessor or whatever way they include it, as far as I know is that its only accessible (so far?) via windows drivers or something. AMD speaks about quite more AI power in the new 8xxx generation of their CPUs, wonder if the layers will become available in linux and other OSes soon.

lucky us, frame work users could possibly upgrade soon the mainboard component to the new CPU generation :wink: sigh. there is always something faster (at computing) than you :stuck_out_tongue:

dont wana buy new base PCB every year or so though.
keep calm. and use the outdated hardware

Idk man, I’m sitting on a 12th gen that hasn’t gotten a non-beta BIOS release since launch despite having actual vulnerabilities for most of that time. I don’t have much faith in framework updating the AMD mainboards for anything other than fixing broken core features (major graphics bugs, fingerprint issues, etc.).

Minimal clock changes there, but mostly the same.

Not quite, 7520 (I think there is no 7720) is similar to Renoir, but it is 6nm instead of 7nm and has DDR5 instead of DDR4 support. So it is new silicon based on older IP.


Ah, 7520 is Mendocino, which is indeed a different “low cost” chip.

I think it might be a slightly tweaked die with a larger NPU.