AMD Batch 5 2023 Q4

I haven’t found a batch 4 and batch 5 2023 thread. Not amd nor intel.

I last weekend pre-ordered AMD Ryzen 7 7840u DIY edition. It should ship Q4 2023. I’m wondering when that would actually will ship! I’m looking forward to it. It will take a very long time till then :frowning: :cry:


Also have this question! I was hoping to have it available for use during my fall semester at uni. Does Q4 mean fourth quarter? And if so, does that refer to the 4th quarter of a standard calendar or some sort of financial calendar?

2023 Q4 is likely to be months of October, November and December.
In terms of shipping, this is when FW thinks they will be able to ship them, based on production and availability they could secure with AMD.

If all goes well, October is the earliest estimate.
I hope FW will update everyone in this month with shipping for AMD FW13 laptops. as we have entered Q3 of 2023.

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