AMD FW13 61WH Slow Charging at Room Temperature, Possibly Defective Battery Management

System: Framework Laptop 13 AMD 7040 Series 7840U, 61Wh battery, SK Hynix Platinum P41 SSD, 1X32GB DDR5 RAM.
OS: Arch Linux (the problem persists on Windows)
Battery: 61Wh

I discovered the slow charging a few days earlier when I read that ByteBender mentioned the power draw is only 20W switched off when the computer was “quite cold” without mentioned the actual temperature. I then paid attention to this. Instead of using the laptop immediately I decided to charge it after being left in the living room for a while, so I found that this problem.

The problem is the battery charging is very slow in temperatures far from cold, about 15°C to 20°C. For reference, Earth’s surface temperature is 14.76 °C.

I tested multiple times, that if you subject the battery to 15°C to 20°C, you can get persistent slow charging up to 4.5~5 hours to full charge. More data is needed to make a conclusion.

Possible cause:

  1. My battery is defective. In this case, I’ll contact support to send me a new battery and have this battery returned.
  2. The current batch (or batches) have BMS calibration problems. My guess is that the battery reduced current as it believed it’s too cold, but the temperature sensor calibration is way off, like more than 10 degrees. In this case these battery might need to be recalled. As there might be other problems that can’t be easily identified by the user and could affect the reliably of the battery.
  3. The BMS restrict the current intentionally. I this case I no longer recommend this laptop, at least with this battery pack as the versatility of the system is kind of poor. No matter how advanced the “tweaked chemistry” to improve performance if the BMS is inadequate the performance will be capped regardless.

Other users also kind of discovered the problem, like the “cold start” shown here and the charge curve shown here, more testing is encouraged to identify this problem more accurately. Your help is highly appreciated.
Tech reviewers like @CJ_Elevated could you make a video on this, there is too little attention of this anomaly.
Intel FW13’s ectool is able to display the battery temperature, users of Intel FW13 could you post the measured battery temperature when the charging is very slow? The information your provided will give insight about the BMS measurement error.
Enthusiasts, is there a way to “fine tune” the battery using publicized standards?

Framework developers, could you please track the problem and communicate with the battery pack suppliers? This problem worsens the versatility of the laptop and could potentially affect users in cold places like Canada and many outdoor users in temperate regions.

Li-ion can be fast charged from 5°C to 45°C (41 to 113°F). Below 5°C, the charge current should be reduced, and no charging is permitted at freezing temperatures because of the reduced diffusion rates on the anode. During charge, the internal cell resistance causes a slight temperature rise that compensates for some of the cold. The internal resistance of all batteries rises when cold, prolonging charge times noticeably.

The above quote is presented on many articles, most of them just referencing each other like it’s a common scientific consensus. The battery cannot be charged below 0°C and below 5°C(10°C with some batteries) charging should be slowed down. However, 20°C is like, way, way off. In comparison, my previous laptops can be charged full speed at 15°C, one of them even have 10°C to 30°C charging temperature written on the user manual. And my smartphone is capable of charging at low speed(1.5A) at 7°C and full speed(4.5A) at 12°C(cooled in a fridge). I’m sorry that temperature below 15°C is not covered in this thread as I’m currently in a temperate location, and putting the laptop into a fridge is too risky as the laptop is not water resistant and could be damaged from condensation.

1st measurement:
Outside air temperature: 15°C
Room temperature: 20°C
Time left unattended: 2 hours
Resumed from: Suspend
Battery level: 15%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3983 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             46
  Present voltage         15141 mV
  Present current         737 mA
  Remaining capacity      575 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING

Recovered to 40+W charging via: Web browsing for 20 minutes.

2nd measurement:
Outside air temperature: 14°C
Room temperature: 19°C
Time left unattended: 8 hours
Resumed from: Shutdown
Battery level: 36%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       4010 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             47
  Present voltage         15601 mV
  Present current         759 mA
  Remaining capacity      1432 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING
$ upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1
  native-path:          BAT1
  vendor:               NVT
  model:                FRANGWA
  serial:               0035
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Sun 05 May 2024 03:07:54 PM AEST (11 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               charging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              22.5389 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         62.0748 Wh
    energy-full-design:  60.6042 Wh
    energy-rate:         11.7493 W
    voltage:             15.626 V
    charge-cycles:       47
    time to full:        3.4 hours
    percentage:          36%
    capacity:            100%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-good-charging-symbolic'
  History (charge):
    1714885644  36.000  charging
  History (rate):
    1714885584  11.749  charging

Temperature reading:

$ sudo ectool temps all
--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
local_f75303@4d       294 K (= 21 C)           0% (313 K and 343 K)
cpu_f75303@4d         296 K (= 23 C)           0% (319 K and 327 K)
ddr_f75303@4d         295 K (= 22 C)        N/A (fan_off=401 K, fan_max=401 K)
cpu@4c                294 K (= 21 C)           0% (376 K and 378 K)

Recovered to 40+W charging via: never recovered naturally, only after stressing the CPU via s-tui for one minute

3rd measurement:
Outside air temperature: 16°C
Room temperature: 20°C
Time left unattended: 1 hour
Resumed from: Suspend
Battery level: 33%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       4010 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             47
  Present voltage         15579 mV
  Present current         760 mA
  Remaining capacity      1366 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING
$ upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1
  native-path:          BAT1
  vendor:               NVT
  model:                FRANGWA
  serial:               0035
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Sun 05 May 2024 05:24:26 PM AEST (23 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               charging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              21.1612 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         62.0748 Wh
    energy-full-design:  60.6042 Wh
    energy-rate:         11.7648 W
    voltage:             15.583 V
    charge-cycles:       47
    time to full:        3.5 hours
    percentage:          34%
    capacity:            100%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-good-charging-symbolic'
  History (charge):
    1714893866  34.000  charging
  History (rate):
    1714893836  11.765  charging
    1714893806  11.656  charging
    1714893776  11.022  charging

Temperature reading:

--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
local_f75303@4d       293 K (= 20 C)           0% (313 K and 343 K)
cpu_f75303@4d         294 K (= 21 C)           0% (319 K and 327 K)
ddr_f75303@4d         295 K (= 22 C)        N/A (fan_off=401 K, fan_max=401 K)
cpu@4c                294 K (= 21 C)           0% (376 K and 378 K)

Recovered to 40+W charging via: Web browsing for 15 minutes.

4th measurement:
Outside air temperature: 16°C
Room temperature: 20°C
Time left unattended: 1 hour
Resumed from: Suspend
Battery level: 40%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3755 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             48
  Present voltage         15836 mV
  Present current         759 mA
  Remaining capacity      1542 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING
$ upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1
  native-path:          BAT1
  vendor:               NVT
  model:                FRANGWA
  serial:               0035
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Sun 05 May 2024 11:35:08 PM AEST (20 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               charging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              23.7928 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         58.1274 Wh
    energy-full-design:  60.6042 Wh
    energy-rate:         11.7493 W
    voltage:             15.833 V
    charge-cycles:       48
    time to full:        2.9 hours
    percentage:          40%
    capacity:            95.9132%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-good-charging-symbolic'

Temperature reading:

$ sudo ectool temps all
--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
local_f75303@4d       294 K (= 21 C)           0% (313 K and 343 K)
cpu_f75303@4d         296 K (= 23 C)           0% (319 K and 327 K)
ddr_f75303@4d         295 K (= 22 C)        N/A (fan_off=401 K, fan_max=401 K)
cpu@4c                295 K (= 22 C)           0% (376 K and 378 K)

Recovered to 40+W charging via: Not recovered after 1 hour of charging, so I gave up and call it a day.

5th measurement:
Outside air temperature: 19°C
Room temperature: 23°C
Time left unattended: 8 hours
Resumed from: Hibernate
Battery level: 16%


This time, the laptop is under sunlight and the battery charges normally.

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3755 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             48
  Present voltage         16542 mV
  Present current         3630 mA
  Remaining capacity      620 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         3915 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING
$ upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1
  native-path:          BAT1
  vendor:               NVT
  model:                FRANGWA
  serial:               0035
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Mon 06 May 2024 10:55:25 AM AEST (18 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               charging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              9.48924 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         58.1274 Wh
    energy-full-design:  60.6042 Wh
    energy-rate:         53.6692 W
    voltage:             16.506 V
    charge-cycles:       48
    time to full:        54.4 minutes
    percentage:          16%
    capacity:            95.9132%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-caution-charging-symbolic'
  History (charge):
    1714956914  16.000  charging
  History (rate):
    1714956925  53.669  charging
    1714956914  0.000   charging
    1714956914  47.090  charging

and here are the temps

$ sudo ectool temps all
--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
local_f75303@4d       295 K (= 22 C)           0% (313 K and 343 K)
cpu_f75303@4d         296 K (= 23 C)           0% (319 K and 327 K)
ddr_f75303@4d         297 K (= 24 C)        N/A (fan_off=401 K, fan_max=401 K)
cpu@4c                295 K (= 22 C)           0% (376 K and 378 K)

6th (and final) measurement: This time I just left my laptop outdoor and let it drain to 5% and auto hibernate, then plugged it in and watched it to charge to 95%, charging speed is around 760mA during the whole time

Outside air temperature: 15°C
Room temperature: irrelevant
Time left unattended: 1 hour
Resumed from: Hibernate
Battery level: 5%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3789 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             50
  Present voltage         15206 mV
  Present current         759 mA
  Remaining capacity      282 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING
$ sudo ectool temps all
--sensor name -------- temperature -------- ratio (fan_off and fan_max) --
local_f75303@4d       295 K (= 22 C)           0% (313 K and 343 K)
cpu_f75303@4d         296 K (= 23 C)           0% (319 K and 327 K)
ddr_f75303@4d         295 K (= 22 C)        N/A (fan_off=401 K, fan_max=401 K)
cpu@4c                295 K (= 22 C)           0% (376 K and 378 K)
$ upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT1
  native-path:          BAT1
  vendor:               NVT
  model:                FRANGWA
  serial:               0035
  power supply:         yes
  updated:              Tue 07 May 2024 08:49:51 PM AEST (28 seconds ago)
  has history:          yes
  has statistics:       yes
    present:             yes
    rechargeable:        yes
    state:               charging
    warning-level:       none
    energy:              4.22604 Wh
    energy-empty:        0 Wh
    energy-full:         58.6537 Wh
    energy-full-design:  60.6042 Wh
    energy-rate:         11.7493 W
    voltage:             15.202 V
    charge-cycles:       50
    time to full:        4.6 hours
    percentage:          7%
    capacity:            96.7816%
    technology:          lithium-ion
    icon-name:          'battery-caution-charging-symbolic'
  History (charge):
    1715078961  7.000   charging
  History (rate):
    1715078931  11.749  charging

At 25%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3789 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             50
  Present voltage         15677 mV
  Present current         760 mA
  Remaining capacity      982 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING

At 57%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3789 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             50
  Present voltage         16321 mV
  Present current         760 mA
  Remaining capacity      2160 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING

At 83%

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3789 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             50
  Present voltage         17460 mV
  Present current         760 mA
  Remaining capacity      3178 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING

At 93%, current irrelevant as battery in constant voltage

$ sudo ectool battery
Battery 0 info:
  OEM name:               NVT
  Model number:           FRANGWAT01
  Chemistry   :           LION
  Serial number:          0035
  Design capacity:        3915 mAh
  Last full charge:       3789 mAh
  Design output voltage   15480 mV
  Cycle count             50
  Present voltage         17753 mV
  Present current         377 mA
  Remaining capacity      3532 mAh
  Desired voltage         17800 mV
  Desired current         783 mA
  Flags                   0x0b AC_PRESENT BATT_PRESENT CHARGING

It’s clear that it’s the BMS’s problem, the voltage rise compared to discharge curve shows that the internal resistance is still very low so it’s not decreased performance(high internal resistance) lead to slow charging. The slow charging is entirely artificial.

Edited, thank you for your suggestion

4 batteries at 15W means 60W, the 4 cells charge at the same time, not one at a time

The battery cells in this pack are connected in series so in your example, is 4*4=16V, 4A.

The laptop stayed cool during each of my tests, in comparison, it could charge much faster, within 1 hour from 0% to 75% if you increase the temperature of the thermostat of your room to 24°C, but that would means higher energy consumption, not good for sustainability.

Charging at 0.2 C-rate at 15°C in year 2024 is quite a bit slow, does that also occur on FW13 with Intel CPU? All my other laptops, whether with Intel or AMD CPU/mainboard, charges with a stable speed, about 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours from 5% to 95% at 15°C to 30°C. However this could also be some kind of minuscule error, similar to fan speed jumps high at 40~41°C

It can be concluded that the problem occurs regardless of whether the laptop is with Intel and AMD mainboard, both Framework Laptop 13 and 16 have the problem, and it affects all 55Wh, 61Wh and 86Wh battery pack, which raises a question:

Why it had been flying under the radar for such a long time?

According to my 6th measurement, the charging speed is about 760mA all the time, not just between 20% to 80% or 0% to 20%