I don’t know if this qualifies, but I shared on the other bag’s related thread that I “customized” a TimBuk2 specifically to share an aesthetic with my FW 16
Looks great!
Shoutout to Iron_Raptor for the Everki Laptop Bag https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B005N8J0P0?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
Which I just got and fits the 16 inch framework perfectly. (mine has no GPU but both will fit) Very pleased with mine. Very good quality. I got the 17.3 inch size.
Nice! I’ll still make one, but that looks like a great option!
Is that one of the Dbrand skins? It looks pretty good
They look great! Might have to pick one up…
I am no longer interested as my laptop is RMA’d as of tonight.
Any update on how the bag is going? I finally got my laptop and was thinking of buying a bag for it, but still would love one that is basically customized for the Framework and all of its accessories/attachments.
I do have an update, sorry for the delay! I got all the materials and cut out all the parts I needed, then I got my FW16 and realized it was slightly too small! Aggghh! Still working on one, should be easier now that I actually have the laptop (with dGPU) in hand.
Excited to see where this goes, especially now you can adjust it with your laptop as needed!