Batches Shipping Log

An xls file or a Google sheet would be better. Thanks!

Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be able to open a simple .ods with most programs


hopefully, this is a link to the spreadsheet.

I took the liberty of ā€œinternationalisingā€ the dates and then extrapolating the spreadsheet to cover the batches 7-12. Easily extended further if anyone wants that.

PS converted back to ODS :smiley:

FW Starts Shipping Batch 6 Notify 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
26 Jan 19 Mar 53 62 71 80 88 97 106
Projected date Projected date Projected date Projected date Projected date Projected date
27 Mar 05 Apr 14 Apr 23 Apr 02 May 11 May

Ah, right. On the 18th. Edited the post to reflect that.

Mine was made just for my case. There is perhaps some value to those in other batches.

So it looks like it will take until early July to get through all the pre-order batches (through 18).

Here batch 13. This should be the ā€œlightestā€ batch of all, and the fastest to be processed, for obvious reasons. I expect it no later than May the 20thā€¦ :crossed_fingers: :metal:

Batch 5.
Arrived 1:30 p.m. est

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Come on batch 8, my HP Envy just started randomly powering off and not coming back onā€¦


Ouch, bad timing. I hope your laptop can hang in there until you get your Framework 16.

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my laptop has recently started freezing up for about 5 minutes every time I start a docker container. Unfortunately batch 11 wonā€™t come until at least the end of this semester, so I just have to deal with it


Mine did arrive on Thursday the 21st as scheduled. I was a little miffed that FedEx just left a $4,500 CDN box at my front door for the whole neighborhood to see. Luckily it was still there when I got home.

So Daddy did get to play with his toy before the baby arrives. I got it all set up and running with Windows 11 Pro, downloaded the driver package, and installed all the windows updates. I might still install Linux on the secondary SSD. Installed my preferred security software and some games but havenā€™t had time to play games or run benchmarks yet.

Our little one is overdue now but just two days so far. My wife thinks our little one could come any day now as symptoms are progressing. Weā€™ll just have to wait and see.

I hope everyoneā€™s toys arrive soon and that you have fun geeking out as I have. Have a great weekend everyone. :v::vulcan_salute:


Iā€™m hoping batch 7 will will get their emails this week. My laptop has weird battery issues. If the laptop dies, it will not charge until you sit on the BIOS screen until it reaches at least 5%. Looks like the battery health is 70%. I left it plugged in and powered off for two hours and it was still at 0% I turned it on and booted into Linux for half an hour and it was still 0%. That was annoying. Iā€™ll buy a replacement battery from Amazon later.

Hopefully batch 6 will get their cards charged this today.

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Batch 6 are getting charged (Iā€™m one of them) :partying_face:


Congratulations! :tada::tada::partying_face::partying_face:

I hope it arrives quickly. Have fun!


Iā€™m batch 9 and my rubbish Dell clearly knows itā€™s not much longer for this world and is constantly playing up and freezing.

Need it for mid April but I think itā€™ll be coming late April/Early May


I got my preparing your batch email! :partying_face:

Batch 7


Batch 7 : got the batch preparing email.


Batch preparation email received at 19:26 today. Batch 7.