Battery Upgrade

@john_doe Try this, worked for me on a desktop:

   Function Toggle-PowerSettingsVisibility {
        $Title         = 'Select option(s) to toggle visibility'
        $PowerSettings = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings'
        @( [PSCustomObject]@{
                Attributes  = 0
                PSChildName = '{ -- No Changes -- }'
                Name        = ' "Safety" row to clear selection'
        } ) +
        @( Get-ChildItem $PowerSettings -Recurse | ? Property -contains 'Attributes' | Get-ItemProperty |
            Select Attributes, PSCHildName,
                   @{ N = 'Name' ; E = { $_.FriendlyName.Split(',')[-1] }} ) | Sort PSChildName |
        Out-GridView -Passthru -Title $Title | ForEach {
            $Splat = @{
                Path  = Resolve-Path "$PowerSettings\*\$($_.PSChildName)"
                Name  = 'Attributes'
                Value = -bNot $_.Attributes -bAnd 0x0000003 
            Set-ItemProperty @Splat -Confirm

I think the issue was just that the comment markdown had borked some of the text by treating underlines as italics, etc.


@Tyler_Quinlivan Good catch! That seems to be it.
@john_doe use Tyler’s version of the script, he seems to have figure out how to make the script appear properly.