BIOS guide

According to framework, and assuming I didn’t misread, the EC is exposed! So it should be possible to use rweverything to set the charge limit, much like controlling a fan.


Have not heard of that utility, I’ll have to try it out soon. If someone doesn’t beat me to it I’ll post what my experience was

Re F2 to enter the BIOS and F12 to enter the one-time boot override, I’ve only gotten it to work if I also press the Fn key:


Which might be obvious since that’s how you get the function keys, but might be worth mentioning for those of us who don’t know :slight_smile:


That’s good to know as well!

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This may be a good thing to point out in the guide for 1st time use if it isn’t already. Folks are giddy & excited to get it going and may not realize that Fn key is part of the equation.



3.03 Beta is now available: Public Beta Test: BIOS v3.03 + Driver Bundle 2021_08_31

3.03 Beta changelog (as of 2021-09-03): Framework Laptop BIOS and Driver Releases

New Features

  • Added Chassis Intrusion Detection Setup on BIOS setup advanced settings page.


  • Solve issue where user cannot enter the BIOS menus after rebooting from Linux.
  • Increase switching frequency of side LEDs and keyboard backlight to reduce flicker.
  • Improve power button behavior to detect short press to power on.

Known Issues

  • System will not power on without battery present.
  • System cannot recognize Thunderbolt 3 devices after resuming from S4.

@ImaxinarDM the guide is a wiki so anyone can edit it, that said I’ve already added a note about the function lock.


Anybody know how to send feedback about this community system? This thread has numerous references to “EC” but I have no idea what that refers to. I tried to search using Ctrl-F to use the browser’s search facility but they have trapped that key combination and launch their own search which won’t let me search for “ec” – they say it is too short. They assume too much.

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Maybe EC = Embedded controller - Wikipedia ?

Anybody know how to send feedback about this community system?

Do you want to send a feedback to the system (Discourse)? That is maybe at . You can post with category: feature or bug.

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It does in fact reference embedded controller

See the above thread for some more context on this discussion

Beta BIOS v3.06 is now available:

After installing BIOS 3.06 on my Batch 4 laptop, the G-Sensor option disappeared from the menu.

They also stated that they were removing the accelerometer from the newer batches, due to issues with component sourcing (since it had no use with the only drive being M.2). Makes sense they’d remove support in the newest BIOS.

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Good catch, I was distracted by testing the power button dimming and completely overlooked it.

Anyone, could you help me to understand a basic thing about BIOS? Is the BIOS what only Framework team is developing? Or another vendor is mainly developing with Framework? Is there the “upstream” project of the BIOS?

Who deleted “the G-Sensor option from the menu”?

@junaruga the current UEFI BIOS is a proprietary product made by Insyde Software.

The embedded controller firmware (controls stuff like battery management, power button behavior, etc) is based on Chromium OS EC.

Removing the G-Sensor option in the BIOS would have been at the direction of Framework, presumably to maintain consistency between different production batches since they’re removing the accelerometer from the motherboard due to supply issues.


Anyway to use the G-sensor if the laptop has it? Can’t the BIOS determine if it’s available and give those with one the option to turn it on?

I’m thinking that Framework decided to not include a G-sensor anymore so the majority of devices (that means the devices built in the upcoming years) will not have a G-sensor so they think they don’t need to provide any code to get it to work.
Which make sense, because there is little way a G-sensor can provide the system with any actual benefits, since you can’t fit anything physically fragile (like a hard disk) in it.

I’m curious about what it means for people who may have wanted to explore throwing a tablet design together. That’s not for me, mind; I wanted a notebook PC and I got exactly what I asked for. But the seemingly mid-flight prototyping might sour some enthusiasts and be cause for concern for corporate interests who’d feel more secure in making changes to hardware that doesn’t resolve or fix a problem.

Think: do I buy the 1.0 version of the device, or wait for the 1.1 version? What if the 1.1 has a 0.9 feature set and is otherwise 1.0’s overall design without delivering functional bug fixes?

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Should we assume when we receive a shipment that there’s no possibility of a BIOS update? I sometimes like to run a BIOS update as a first step of building out an OS.

Beta BIOS updates have been released in this forum! Public Beta Test: 11th Gen BIOS v3.06 + Driver Bundle 2021_10_29