BIOS instruction for stand-alone (no keyboard)

Could anyone please give the key strokes from turn-on to get to these options please:

Under advanced, then the 5th option from the top is: Standalone Operation with the option of Disabled (default) or Enabled. The 6th option from the top just below this is: Standalone Detection with the option of Enabled (default) or Disabled.
For your purpose I believe you want to set Standalone Operation to Enabled and Standalone Detection to Disabled. This should enable you to boot with the midplate and input modules not fully installed.

Some previous BIOS instructions I have been given by Felix are:
To enter BIOS spam “F2” when booting.
Takes about 7 seconds.
You are now in the Main Overview, here you have 3 options in the first row “Continue Boot”, “Boot Manager”, “Boot from File” and 2 options in the second row “Administer Secure Boot”, “Setup Utility”
When first entering this main overview your cursor is on “Continue Boot”. To select “Boot Manager” press right arrow key once. or “Boot from File” press right arrow key twice.
To get into the second row just press down arrow key once, that means to get to the “setup Utility” you have to press the arrow keys down and right each one time.
To get into the selected menue just press “Enter”.
To reset the BIOS to the default settings enter the “Setup Utility” from the Main Overview, then:
4 down, 1 right, 3 down, Enter, Enter
With that the Laptop should reboot into default settings.
After entering “Boot Manager” from the Main Overview you can select the boot media with up and down arrow keys, but i have not tried that yet, as i do not have a usb stick or sd card with me right now.
For reference, my BIOS version is IFGP6.03.02

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