BIOS update 3.07 to 3.19 Framework 11 could not apply capsules, volume full

Hey, I just tried updating my bios from 3.07 to 3.19 using the (sha correct),
but it failed with a message “could not apply capsules, volume full”, or something similar.
After that the bios menu seemed very sluggish, as if my keys don’t get flushed until after a long time or until I press enough keys.
In my bios the InsydeH20 still reports 3.07

I presume I have to clear a part of this volume, how can I do that?

Can this have anything to do with my EFI System partition?
I have a 2M EFI System partition (vfat) (nvme0n1p1) but this is not mounted to /boot/efi
and a 256M Linux filesystem (ext4) I use as boot (nvme0n1p2) with grub and my kernels

Thanks in advance!

Your ESP is 2 megabytes?

This would be your problem then.

I resized it to 128M and could install the fwupdate.bin, however the CasuleApp.efi reports that it can’t find a valid fs on boot devices.
I can boot my os however, and mount the efi partition, I formatted it and the boot partition to fat-32,