BIOS Upgrade Tip: Make rEFInd your UEFI fallback boot option

Hi all -

So I manually copied esp/EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi to esp/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI ( esp is your EFI boot partition, in my case mounted at /boot/efi, so the full path was /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI ). After upgrading my BIOS from 3.10 to 3.17, instead of having to do the F3 trick to pick a bootloader manually, the fallback copy of refind automatically gave me a small menu to choose what efi to boot next, including the original rEFInd entry that got forgotten on the BIOS upgrade.

If you do want to use rEFInd as your daily driver, be sure to do sudo refind-install again after the BIOS update to put the regular rEFInd boot entry back in the frameworks’ NVRAM entries. Not a big deal if you forget, you just have to do the fallback rEFInd → regular rEFInd shuffle until you do.

Even if you do not want to use rEFInd as your daily EFI boot entry, having rEFInd in the fallback location and in the regular location will also help you if you bork GRUB completely. Had to use this trick to help a friend after their computer died during a kernel update and before GRUB got updated correctly. She’s now a convert to rEFInd too lol.

rEFInd should be easy to install in most linux distros.


Caveat is that rEFInd does not support decryption at boot.

(Old rEFInd user by the way. The graphical boot menu with OS icon was slick, but had fallback to GRUB.)

Mayve a systemd-boot based alternative would be nice.

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