I just ran across this project on Indigogo, and it looks like it uses some type of expansion cards.
The closer I looked at the cards, though, I’m pretty sure those are actually Framework expansion cards. In their description, they even reference “framework expansion cards”, although they never cite https://frame.work anywhere on their page.
@nrp Were you guys aware of this?
They are most definitely using framework designed expansion cards. Even though the expansion card files are easily accessible, I’m pretty sure they are not allowed to resell the official cards.
Doesn’t really indicate that they’ll be selling them. It’s good that Framework cards are being supported and - assuming the Functionland are in it for the long haul - shows that they have faith in Framework’s success.
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I am Ehsan from Functionland team. Thanks for creating this Thread. Thanks to the supportive framework team, we coordinated and planned for the expansion cards that will be needed for the campaign. Stay tuned for an official announcement