Can not change brightness using windows

I can not change the display brightness when using windows. The OS recognises the function key’s and the brightness slider will appear on screen but the screen brightness will not change. The night light function also does not work.
I have updated the BIOS and windows and that has not fixed the issue. I have a version of fedora linux dual booted and i can chnage the brightness when using that. When i reboot into windows I believe it defaults to full brightness.

Thank you

Hi and welcometo the forum.

So . . .

What laptop do you have 11/12/13 Gen etc.?
What Windows and are you sure you have the correct driver bundle for the Windows version you are using?

Is your dual boot on the main NVMe or on an expansion card?

Then it may be interesting to look at you windows settings.

Do you use GRUB to select the OS?

You say reboot how do you do that and was Windows in any sleep or hibernation state or was the boot a full restart? from where ? the BIOS ?

Windows 10 with amd 7040 series. The dual boot is on my main NVME which is my only storage. I am not too familiar with linux and the bootloader but I don’t think i use GRUB. My laptop automatically boots to windows and i have to manually select the linux partition in bios to boot into linux because i don’t use it frequently.

I believe i have the 2023_10_24 windows drivers installed, I will update them to the latest after this post to see if that fixes the issue.

The part about rebooting is about restarting from linux, then my computer boots into windows as that is the default boot option. But the issue has persisted for a while and any kind of reboot or shutdown has not solved it.

Thanks for the quick reply

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Windows 10 isn’t officially supported for 7040 series so there are probably drivers that didn’t install correctly. Easiest solution is to go Windows 11 or Linux.

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Ahh that’s too bad, thank you for your help

Have you seen or used Win 11 it is a bit different and depending upon how you obtained the Win 10 there is an option to update to Win 11.

I am planning to switch over to linux rather than win11 but haven’t had the time to learn / setup linux sufficiently.

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Well, you are in the right platform for that, we have plenty of linux users here who would love to help you choose the right distro and help you get started. In general, linux community is very helpful. just go for it!

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