Is there any way for the button that reduces brightness to also turn off the screen after the lowest level? I used to have a MacBook and I used that feature a lot, and it seems to be missing from other laptops. Just to be clear, I’m wondering if there is way to turn off the screen while keeping the computer fully on.
Thank You!
If you are using Linux, it is possible to do it.
For Linux I’m aware of the following options:
You can try screen lock. In Gnome for example the screen is switched off a few seconds after the screen was locked.
You can use the files in
To switch of the screen do
sudo echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightnessFor convenience you can write this into a script and bind it to key.
See Backlight - ArchWiki for how to enable ordinary users to access the files in the intel_backlight directory without permission problems. -
Install brightnessctl and do
brightnessctl set 0
Or you can use decrements until the screen is off like:
brightnessctl set 10%-
Again for a convenient shortcut you can put this command into a script and bind to a key.
EDIT: Because of the comment in the next post her comes a WARNING:
Be prepared to sit before a dark screen when you want to reverse the effect of what I have suggested. First make sure that you have a working brightness-up-key or attach an external monitor or anything else…
Hm. I bet we want something where there is a timer that switches it back before we try this. Anyone for setting your brightness to 0 and then … how to you type something in to change it to whatever? :–)
xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness 0
I mapped that (minus the ‘0’) to an alias, so I can turn brightness down to 2% at night. 5% just ain’t cutting it. Since the screen is the biggest battery drain, it also brings my