Charge requests impact on EC

My FW13 AMD (often) is drawing power from the internal battery while connected to mains via the original FW USB-C charger (60W). It mostly happens when opening e.g. heavy websites such as youtube, when the CPU is shortly bursting individual cores to boost frequencies. I have set the battery charge limit to 60% already, as the laptop is mainly connected the USB-C charger anyway.

I read that frequent smaller charging and discharging cycles (not full cycles) are not an issue for the internal battery (e.g. like enegery recuperation systems with EVs), but i wonder if this might by an issue for the embedded controller, perhaps weardown of the its flash memory or something? I had issues with older thinkpads thunderbolt controllers constantly wrting to internal flash memory, thus wearing out until complete controller failure.

This is with Linux 6.9 on NixOS, UEFI/BIOS 3.05 and power-profiles-daemon 0.21. It (of course) happens more frequently on the balanced and performance presets, but i can also trigger this with the power-saver preset.

I’m asking because i’m seeing lots and lots of charge requests on the EC’s console output…

FWIW, today i’ve received another, more powerful (20V/5A) USB-C charger in hopes of mitigating the issue, but so far without much success unfortunately.

Many people do use laptops as desktop replacements, so 24/7 AC power should be an expected common setup. And frequent small charge cycles shouldn’t cause problems.

The Framework EC is open source, so you or anyone else interested could check its behavior.

I know of that Lenonvo bug. That was not intended behavior, it was a terrible bug that should have never made it into release.