I have been reading about Red, a programming language based on Rebol. It claims to be a “full stack” programming language that, by using specialised “dialects”, can be used for everything from basic systems programming to writing scripts.
Would this be an excellent language to write a full operating system? If everything is a dialect of the same language, would it allow for even the terminal shell to be unique and use a dialect of Red? That would be similar to how Redox operating system (written in rust) has its own shell, and Nu shell also claims to take advantage of having been written in Rust to allow things not offered in other shells.
Perhaps an operating system written in Red could incorporate new design paradigms. For example the Theseus system, written in Rust, has architecture and features inspired by its host language. As you can see, Rust has inspired a lot of re-imaginings of fundamental operating system components, and whilst this is largely due to its reputation for safe memory management, perhaps Red could also inspire new ways of doing things? Since Red is quite new as a language and at time of writing only version 0.64, could its use in a new operating system could accelerates evolution towards full release? I understand Unix and the C language were co-developed in this way.
So what do others here think about Red, operating system design generally, or even all these Rust based projects for new system components?