Damaged Framework 13 (Brand New)

It is a sad day T-T. Got notified my Framework 13 came in. Grabbed the package and when I started putting it together found out one of the corners where the hinge is for the Laptop was bent in and warped. Also found out the screen is faulty as well. Just one of those days.

Was super excited to put Fedora 40 on it and start messing around with this machine.

Already put a support ticket in and hopefully I can get the entire laptop replaced.

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Hi and welcome to the forum.

I didn’t respond immediately as I was concerned about my idea that as you may not have taken a picture of the deformed chassis there may be queries as to how this happened.

On the screen issue. What you see may be down to the cable or otherwise, but as you hope if Framework consider the chassis damage their responsibility there will be no concern for the screen.

Take care, especially when unpacking and assembling.

As I was and am busy and wanted Windows I opted for a pre-build, so less concerns, though it did come with the ‘wrong’ keyboard :slight_smile:

yes I already re-seated the cable and it still is faulty. I believe whatever is wrong with this chassis and frame appears to also be why the screen does not work out of the box too. Over all not too worried, so long as they replace it I won’t have to do a charge-back. fingers crossed


Support ticket was the right call. They should take care of you. They may ask for a photo of the outer box since it arrived damaged, so don’t throw away the packaging just yet.