Dongle Hider

And sometimes have quite different performance between bt and dongle.

Though on my t480s I did the internal unifying dongle mod mostly because of the instant connect (and to see if I can).


I also have an Ergo, in anticipation of getting an FW16, specifically because it has bluetooth. However while i wait I am using it with its dongle, and it has an annoying habit of sleeping and taking a couple of seconds of scrolling or ball rolling to get the pointer to move. Iā€™m hoping I donā€™t get this when on bluetooth.

I have improved my 3D printed mouse dongle holder. This version uses duel matter printing to do the mouse icon but it could be made without. I have attached the files in case anyone else has the same cheap mouse as me and wants to make it.

The main part is the core of the expansion card while the mouse icon insert needs to be lined up with the cutout in your slicer if you want to do dual colour printing or just filling out the area in the main part.

Mouse Dongle Expansion Card - Main part.stl (110.1 KB)
Mouse Dongle Expansion Card - Mouse Icon Insert.stl (72.7 KB)


Great design! Iā€™m trying to print using ASA but the corners keep lifting up. Iā€™d like to add some corner adhesion anchors (Ref Slant 3D). Are you able to share the STEP file or other lossless format? Thanks.

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I know itā€™s been a while, but with framework 16s starting to ship I figured I would renew my offer - I just saw Framework | Expansion Card Shell Pack (20-pack) while looking on the marketplace, and I thought it might be possible to repurpose those for a dongle hider. It wouldnā€™t be perfect (there would still be a hole where the displayport was, though that could be good for signals getting though), but it might be nicer to have an aluminum cover instead.

In any case, if other people want one I have some USB C to A adapters ready, and should you be willing to pitch in for part of it, I can order a 20 pack of those shells, outfit them as necessary for a dongle hider, and ship them off to whatever location it is. If that sounds interesting, please let me know, and Iā€™ll do my best to reply as soon as I can.

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The forms wonā€™t let me upload a STEP file but I can share the Onshape document

I got one of those packs as well, but in my case Iā€™m trying to fit in wii bluetooth adapters.

Iā€™d be interested in one of these dongles for a yubikey, but there might also be more specific cards/projects for that out there.

If you donā€™t need the extra expansion card shells, I might be open to buying some off you - depending on shipping, it would most likely be cheaper than getting a full pack directly from framework - especially since I donā€™t need all 20.

Depends. I want to build a few Bluetooth Wii modules with it for me and my friends and maybe something else.
Do you just need for example 2, or more?

Iā€™ve got at the very least one (for myself), one for someone else earlier in the thread, and any more at that point would be bonuses. I might end up wanting to do more for some family & friends, so extras would be nice but not required by any means.

Just a thought, and no worries either way

I finally decided to make my own dongle hiderā€¦ to hide a logitech unifiying. How I did it? Very simple in the most official way possible. The material used has been:

I have emptied the Storage Expansion Card and filled it with the USBC adapter to which the logitech unifiyng board has been soldered with four cables. So that the contents of the Expansion Card would not move, I filled the Expansion Card with silicone.

I could put a photo but it is externally identical to the Storage Expansion Card.


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