DongleHider+ - Multiple dongles and a normal USB A socket

seems like this would be a great way to add a 512GB nano USB stick. Appreciate it would only be USB 2 speed, but that wouldn’t be an issue to me. The 1TB SSD module is £125 and you lose a USB port. a £25 USB stick plus 20-30(? ish?) quid for this module is both a lot cheaper and more versatile. Is anyone manufacturing these? I have both resin and fdm printers but no facilities for SMD soldering. Happy to produce a batch of shell/casings in a variety of colours if someone is manufacturing PCBs?

Anyone else tried ordering assembled pcbs from jlcpcb? The USB-A Connector is not in Stock and the UsbC-Connector requires a “standard” board instead of the gerber-file-chosen one. Help, I’m not super-experienced in this!


If enough people are interested I can setup a larger order with JLCPCB.

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Would be interested in a single complete board.

We have some interest! If they are under 10 each, these people would like them :slight_smile:

$25AUD with free shipping anywhere via FedEx and one completely assembled module is yours DongleHider+

Hah take my money for 2!
One for my 16 that’s about to arrive, and one for the future when its guts get repurposed and I need a second!

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I’ve gone ahead and ordered the USB connectors (I bought all of LCSC’s stock), which is the only thing I am currently waiting on and then I will pay for 50 assembled PCBs. (was only $50 more expensive to get 50 units vs 20 units)

I fear shipping to Europe will be very expensive, the total price per unit might be prohibitive for many interested people here.

Edit, did I read free shipping?

Yes you did.

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I’m having to seriously refrain from buying multiple.

Damn, so you’re the reason why my order got delayed. Very stupidly I ordered by first batch of PCBs as 1.6mm thick, rather than 0.8mm, so I have a ton of extra pcbs if someone wants them (note you’ll have to find different USB-C connectors).

I’m going to ask if that price is OK with the people who showed interest, probably around 10 pieces.

josh is their any possibility of you developing a expansion card with 1 usb a port and one usbc port?

NO, its too hard mechanically

To confirm this supports Logitech Unifying right? Not Logitech Lightspeed?

Unfortunately my device (soon to be devices) require Logitech Lightspeed. If a Lightspeed version does come out I will buy this in a heartbeat.

that’s unfortunate im pumped for my dual usbc card tho

Any USB wireless adapter should work, as long as it mechanically fits, it should work.

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I misinterpreted this project (should’ve read the thread more thoroughly first). I thought this had a Logitech Unifying receiver chip soldered in.

I will double check the size of my Logitech Lightspeed dongle and probably order this shortly.

I would be intetested in 2 or 3 USB-Dongle-Hiders.
(2 for sure, will ask a friend if he also wants one).
Shipping to Europe, Germany