Ethernet Expansion Card

I have no plans to continue development, hell I’d delete everything relating it. I do not care about this project that I started. I’ve already worked way too much on this. If their expansion card was more expensive and had similar specs I’d happily continue. I have better things do. thanks to anyone who gave feedback, the github repo is still there. If anyone wants to do anything with it just fork it and away you go.


Thank you for all the work you’ve done and shared Josh! It is totally your choice to end development of this project if you choose to, and I’m excited to see the cards you release in the future! Keep up the great work!


The official one sticks way out and, in my opinion, is extremely ugly. Someone should work on making a flush one still.

@Josh_Cook, judging by the timeline here it looks like you found out about the card Framework released the same time as everyone else. To me, that seems like a terrible shame.

I’m not saying they should be obligated to provide you or any other developer with updates on whatever they happen to be working on. Still, given the substantial community interest apparent in this thread and the tremendous amount of work you have obviously put into this project, I think the tasteful move would have been to at least reach out and give you a heads-up that they were getting close.

I completely understand not wanting to keep developing the module; when you started, you were creating something that didn’t exist, and now that’s no longer the case. I think a lot of us are disappointed to see the rug pulled out from under you like this, but I for one have a lot of respect for you being realistic about how the circumstance abruptly changed and just pivoting your effort toward something more meaningful, instead of trying to force the project into remaining relevant somehow.

One thing I’m certain of is you have made a lot of fans with this project, even if it didn’t get off the ground. Myself and many others have been following this thread with great interest. I know my ears will prick up when you start talking about your next card, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one.

You should be proud of the work you’ve done here; good on you for taking it this far.


Not really possible due to space reasons. Even if you could find or create some crazy expandable connector that would fit flush in the expansion port, there wouldn’t be enough room on the PCB for the necessary ethernet-to-usb chips, usb-c mux chip, filtering and so on. (maybe barely if you were going only for USB2.0 speeds, but who wants that?)


Bummer. Hopes dashed. Oh well, at least there’s something now that’s slightly better than a regular old dongle.

Hi all, to clarify further, we have been open that we’ve been developing an Ethernet Expansion Card. The second post in the current thread references that: Ethernet Expansion Card - #2 by JacobFavreault

We didn’t and don’t want to discourage anyone from developing different versions of things we’ve built or may build in the future. In fact some of the more interesting Expansion Card ideas are ones that reuse the enclosures of production cards and drop in new PCBs that have different functionality (e.g. using a different controller that enables different protocols or has better drivers for specific operating systems). A card having functionality that duplicates part of an existing card is also not a blocker for getting funding through the Expansion Card Developer Program. That said, we can certainly understand a developer not wanting to commercialize an additional Ethernet Expansion Card and instead focus on the many other interesting card ideas out there.


From my point of view, I did indeed know that they were developing an Ethernet Expansion Card but was unsure of how long it would be until release. I wasn’t expecting this project to go on for so long as I started it about 8 months ago and went through 4 revisions. Yes, I may have spent 8 months on this but I have also learned a fair amount along the way. Thank you Nirav for your transparency. As Nirav has said I’m now focusing on different expansion cards that should be coming along soon!


I’m disappointed with the upcoming RJ45 expansion considering that there are existing collapsable models from other manufacturers. I understand simplicity is more sustainable but the expansion card ruins the aesthetics. I have no issue with proprietary parts as long as it functions well but it also needs to follow a level of polish that represents the brand. There’s only so much compromise that’s acceptable for the price premium, especially when there are people who can do a better job 3D printing/CNC their own designs. Framework has an uphill battle making this company prove its concept of the modular laptop. Taking half measures over function and disregarding form just proves how difficult this concept is when it comes to mass production and sustainability. They need to try harder and avoid Frankensteining their own IP. Better audio components, Touchscreen display, and generally more options for expansions. I’m surprised they haven’t even offer a travel dock already specifically tuned to their hardware yet. At least this will resolve bulky expansion cards and double function as an alternate. They could even make a dock that uses their current expansion cards with built in ethernet this way people have a choice to carry the laptop with the dock that holds extra ports that they can swap. Portable power brick dock is another idea that can also use the expansion concept now that GaN and graphene are becoming more available. So much potential not being utilized.

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Ethernet expansion card. Coming soon, blah blah blah. Come on, release it, already. My credit card is twitching here.

Wait the actual card hasn’t been released yet? Would be lovely to know a time on when that would be. :blush:

I hope it’s released by the time Belgium gets added to the country list! I don’t like using a USB adapter as much lately after it damaged my USB port trying to loosen the cable.

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Don’t mean to be rude, but the RTL8156 is one of the most used pieces of silicon for this use so they are probably waiting for stock from a distributor or Realtek themselves.


Oh thanks Josh, Didn’t know that!

It’s okay, you’re not being rude. I understand the issues, but, I wants what I wants. Double quick, asap, no time to lose, quick as you like, in a jiff, lets make this thing happen, can’t wait all day, I’ll literally die if I don’t get it NOW. :wink:
Maybe they can put a sticker in the right place on the circuit board saying “This is a real RTL8156 chip, honest.”

Seems like you might be able to get it now!


Yeah, thanks, just noticed the email and ordered straight away. Cheers.
My credit card is no longer twitching, just crying because of all the money it owes.
I can feel an enclosure redesign coming on.

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This is awesome! Got mine ordered as well.

Let’s go!! - Framework seems to be spinning up nicely these past months! :partying_face::partying_face:

Hoping for more regions, but this is already an amazing step. :relaxed:

Here’s a link to the order page btw. If you don’t want to go looking for it.


Anyone aware of if I can download CAD models for this expansion somewhere? I want to make a printed case to hold this expansion and the regular sized ones, but I want to make sure I’ve got the sizing just right.

I received an email notification that the Expansion Cards for Ethernet will be arriving today.

I have a Framework DIY laptop (one with the Intel 11th Gen processor/i7-1165G7- Framework Batch 6 AND one with the 12th Gen processor/i7-1280P - Framework Batch 2).

As the operating system is POP!_OS, I can share how the cards perform on the two units.

At 2022-09-22T17:37:00Z the packaged arrived.

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