Fan location


Does the team plan to change the fan location in futur updates of the framework ?


Where else would it go and what would it gain?

The sides are occupied by the expansion cards which likely won’t change and the front would just be extremely weird.

It would also break backwards/forward compatibility which they tend to avoid.


Hi and welcome to the forum.

‘The team’ don’t generally read all the topics so getting such answer on the forum is a bit of a miss.

As mentioned the repairability and modularity would not sit well with such a redesign and why ~ do you have a problem and for which version the 13" or the 16"

I have an Early (Dec 2021) 11thGen and all is fine. Hardly ever hear the fan except when rebooting between OS’s

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I wonder if OP is building something for the FL13…and just want to make sure that his design would also cater for a change in fan location (if that’s going to be a thing at all).

In terms of potential location change…almost none of us on the forum, except a few from Framework would have the crystal ball. However, if I were to guess, Framework could go for a smaller dual fan design (changes fan speed and operating acoustic profile), shift to using LPCAMM2, and then work on really compacting the component density on the board.

The Asus Zenbook S14 board looks really compact (but it doesn’t have an LPCAMM2 connector). In comparison, the FL13 mainboard area is not as wide, but has more vertical real estate (see below).

Screenshot from Dave2D:

In the rear, there is nothing

Hello amoun,

Ho no I am not near building something for the framework.

The fans are always on, I just watch youtube videos at 480p when it happens. Essentially when it happens I am in bed on a soft fabric. But you should hear and see… sometimes it is just when opening the laptop and it does not stop until 20 minutes have passed.

The same happens on a mat when I work. So I put the framework upside down so the fan are up…

In fact it is not about fan location but their exits.

But they are already in the rear


Thanks but I already tried this kind of solution

Fans are always on. And I just have one tab of youtube opened.

I noticed a small correction for that first linked thread, I hope you don’t mind me pointing out :slight_smile:

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