Feature request: Controllable fans / fancurves

It is not negative, simply in this aspect both I and other users are requesting that an accessible application be developed or that third-party applications be allowed to be used.

When you block third-party applications, it is already contrary to the nature of the product.

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Framework don’t block other company, all is open sources, only this “third-party” don’t want to support it!

And I have some HP/ASUS/SAMSUNG laptop and most of them don’t support any config like that. More than that, because it is close source it is very hard to reverse there codes! if some have support on linux it is only with very hard work of reverse engineering windows tools to make thing possible on linux.

Framework (or the community) is in progess to make all that upstream in linux kernel so we do not more need ectools, and use standart tools to manage it.
Now on windows it is more complicated, there is no standart for that, all company did there own program close source. So to have something “working” like you want it is more complicatate.

Now if you think that it is simple to do, all spec is open, you can make a nice tools with installer, windows signing… etc.


Well, you should start supporting Windows / Linux for fans, tdp and frequencies following the model, for example, of devices like Steamdeck or Levono Legion Go because complaints about noise and heat are practically daily.


Stop comparing a laptop to a handheld device. They are not the same.


Well, you should start supporting Windows / Linux for fans

This is already done. ectool is available… you just dont like the option because its not what YOU want…

Guess what, nothing is stopping you from creating a GUI that does this. As shown, there is a GUI in linux…

As for:

tdp and frequencies following the model

As already explained… most laptops dont do this… but again, nothing is stopping you from trying to flash smokeless UMAF to make these changes.

But also, ryzenadj does this in Linux, and if Im not mistaken Universal-x86-Tuning-Utility does it in Windows.

Again… you are trying to die on this hill that “there is no option” but there is an option. Its just not one that has been catered to you and requires you to put forth an ounce of effort to fitfo.

Have you tried changing the Fan Curve with Smokeless UMAF? There is a Section for Fan Control. But i didnt test changing it for now. Just played with TJMax and TDP

No, the majority of users, that is, the average user, need accessible applications such as those provided by levono, xmg, Valve, del…

It is clear that those who have advanced knowledge can do it. But most users lack that knowledge and have to be given an easy-to-use program with a good graphical interface.

If you are messing with fan curves, TDP, etc… you aren’t an “average” user. And if you cant use the tools that have already been provided as options… then you shouldnt be messing with them anyway.


I do not agree, and also the issue of the graphical interface has already been requested by other users as well. What he says, with the utmost respect, does not have much basis in argument.

Additionally, most reviews criticize the sound of the fan and the heat. And in some of them they refer to the fact that the framework team could add an application to control them.

I believe that this request, together with improving support without having to send so many emails, should be things that the framework team improves because there are a significant number of complaints in that regard.