Feature Request Megathread

The only reasons I purchased a macbook over the framework are:

  • ARM chip (battery life)
  • haptic touchpad
  • a proper battery limiter (aldente in my case)
  • no screen/lid bouncing

Please just copy Dell Power Manager, and add a “stop charging” and “start charging” percentage (not just the stop percentage currently available in the framework bios).

Thank you for reading! Looking forward to picking up a framework 13 when these features become available.


Things I’m wishing for:

  • Snapdragon Mainboard
  • lpcamm2 memory option
  • extended battery bottom cover
  • alternative bottom cover where cooling vents aren’t on the bottom
  • dedicated coordination with BIOS upstream for perfecting sleep power consumption in s0ix
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Hello, I just wanted to chime in with an idea I had as well: (sorry if it has been mentioned before, I didn’t find anything when searching the forum)

I would probably buy a touch screen option if it’s available in the future; however I understand that designing/supporting/making negotiations for one more panel is an overhead that is probably not worth it yet for the team, which is understandable.

So for now I went ahead and bought an external touch screen, which gave me the following idea:

What if instead of shipping a whole 2-in-1, some progress could be made just by shipping a future laptop only with the appropriate hinges and chassis. This allows to:

  • Fold the laptop 360° on a desk with the keyboard facing up, to allow connecting an external screen, and eliminate the need for connecting extra peripherals
    • This even provides more reusability options when retiring an old device, as this setup could be an alternative for remounting the mainboard on the standalone chassis etc
  • Fold the laptop, to use with an external portable monitor (for using on your lap or on an airplane)
    • Some users might just prefer a bigger screen (e.g. I imagine there would might be even 3rd party folding screens)
    • Some users might want a touch screen
    • There is room for the community to make 3D printed designs, to externally clip these screens on the chassis.

This would probably be easier to make, since:

  • It splits the development cost of a 2-in-1 laptop to 2 product generations
  • No need to secure the supply of the touch screens right now
  • It could provide some insights for interest in the touch screen, e.g. maybe the folding hinge could be a customizable option when ordering
  • If there really isn’t any significant interest, you can still never ship a full touch screen product, while still providing the above usability options

This is a completely unrealistic dream right now, but maybe they will visit this idea in 5-10 years when they are expanding and have the money to throw around.

First, a lot of people seem to be under the impression that the framework laptop is a “developer” focused computer which isn’t exactly true from what I understand. Their modular products appeal to developers and tinkerers, but ultimately, to be successful, they have to target the general market. This is why they don’t make thicker laptops that compromise weight for battery life, keyboard travel, and I/O. They aren’t replacing Thinkpads, they are trying to replace the average consumer’s laptop. (But I may be wrong, so feel free to correct me)

But once FW is a little larger, they could maybe afford to create a more “niche” developer-focused lineup of 14-inch laptops that more resemble thinkpads. It would be a little thicker and heavier but have better battery life, a better keyboard with more travel and independent keys for home/end/insert/PgUp/PgDn/etc, a trackpoint and mouse buttons, a full-size ethernet port, LTE connection, and more. It would have all the little features people have been asking for, but that FW can’t do because they would compromise too much of what the average consumer wants/expects. It would be a productivity-focused workhorse.

Because of the slightly bigger size, it could also come with the more powerful CPU options we see in the FW16. It probably wouldn’t come with an option for a GPU unless they decided to put it on the mainboard which would go against the repairability aspect, but then again, this product line would exist to break some of the rules and constraints that other framework products are restricted to so it could be possible.

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