Fedora 35 Setup

I just received and set up my framework today and would like to share my experience.

I was able to install my hard drive from my old laptop into the framework laptop and didn’t have to even reinstall fedora! Linux makes life easy.

Also I wanted to share what fractional scaling options worked for me in Gnome.

 gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

(This command enables fractional scaling)
I enabled fractional scaling and downloaded gnome tweaks. I set my fractional scaling to 125% and my font scaling to 1.40.

I’m so far liking this combo and was wondering what others have tried.

Moderators, I think it’s better to merge this thread to Fedora Linux 35 (Fedora 35) on the Framework Laptop .

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Fedora Linux 35 on the Framework Laptop