Fedora 40 on the Framework Laptop 16 (Coming soon!)

Fedora 40 is nearly here! Once it’s released, this will be the thread reflecting everything you need to know. In the meantime, please continue testing Fedora 40 BETA on your Framework. DO NOT try upgrading from 39 at this time. While it is possible, we will not be supporting this until it’s fully released.

Remember to report bugs where they can be addressed. Follow the testing needed section of this article for bug reporting please. Not here, but proper bug reports.

Locking this thread as it is not released yet.

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If someone has a what they believe is a bug, and would like to report it - but you are not comfortable with the bug reporting process for Fedora - please let me know.

I can either try and reproduce the error on my system and create the bug or walk you through the process of creating a bug.


Remember to disable telemetry that is introduced on Fedora 40

Edit, the proposal was withdrawn.

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