Fingerprint reader in windows 11


I can’t use the fingerprint reader in windows 11.

The fingerprint registration does not work.

It works perfectly with Ubuntu.

Is this a known problem?
Is it easy to fix?

Thanks in advance

Someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but the fingerprint reader can only operate with one operating system. It cannot switch between two operating systems.

It stores its fingerprint data internally and makes it accessible to the operating system that initiated the fingerprint registration. If another operating system tries to access that data, the fingerprint reader will lock it out.

You can delete the fingerprints and re-register them, but it will still only be accessible to the operating system that initiated the scans.


I read something about it… I didn’t really understand it…

If the fingerprint reader can only work with one operating system, then it must be a programming problem…

If it was a mistake by the guys at Framework, the error would have been corrected by now, so it must be a Microsoft error… No?

It sounds like a feature/limitation of the fingerprint reader, rather than an error. This is probably a security feature. If you could register fingerprints from multiple operating systems, then you could theoretically use this is a way to gain unauthorised access to an OS on the laptop.