Fourth update on Framework Laptop 16 shipment timing

i own a ‘high end’ x86 chromebook (it’s even got an i7 for its cpu, albeit one modestly underclocked for its generation due to being in a fanless chassis) that thermally throttles so severely that its stable clock speed in medium single core workloads is lower than that of a raspberry pi 4. this is less than half of its nominal baseline clock speed, and well under a third of its hypothetical ‘boost’ clock speed, which i don’t think i ever managed to get to achieve no matter what external cooling i employed.

it is straight up impossible for this device to provide a meaningful fraction of the performance it purports to have available to it. and that’s from asus, a company i’d previously had a fair amount of respect for.

honestly, even with framework’s stated mission goals, i wouldn’t have batted an eye if their more or less unique-on-the-market charger only worked with their device. that they worked to try to avert that outcome was a delightful shock for me.


If I could just receive my order before the Fall 2024 semester, I’d be happy.

(Batch 15 gang :partying_face:)


Because more or less we all have the same objective here: we want to see this company succeed and want them to force a positive change on the electronic market. This is not twitter or facebook, or god forbid, tiktok


Bath 7, here, eager to receive my new laptop and willing to wait for quality. Thanks for keeping us up to date, and I hope you resolve everything with, as my eloquent British friends put it so well, all deliberate speed.

Happy New Year to all!

I just wish that Framework would ship to the whole European union (the baltics to be specific).

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Have you seen this?

Freight forwarding is now allowed for those within the EU.


Holy shmucks!


Adding this to my dictionary :writing_hand:

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Happy New Year (soon!). Hope to hear when press units are shipped!

Also interested to know if Framework/AMD will roll the unique Framework specific driver fixes into the general release so won’t have to worry about getting the bundle version in the future.

I wonder becaus the Verge reported once they shouldn’t didn’t need any special drivers.

“Speaking of the GPU again, there are no gaming benchmarks to share yet, working fans or no. None of that’s been optimized, though Framework says that standard off-the-shelf AMD Radeon drivers should work for its GPU — special ones won’t be required.”


Here’s to a bright and happy 2024, and an (hopefully) amazing laptop for us all! :+1:


And this is why other companies aren’t transparent. Because people freak out about all these various things that happen before products actually ship. This is normal. The difference is this is normally not seen by the general public. I work for a company that ships backup software and appliances. All these various things that you see are normal. The big deal is to make sure that the physical hardware is solid. BIOS, firmware, drivers can all be updated later.


Same. I’m exceedingly happy I’m on batch 7. I’m in no rush. And it allows for any bugs to get worked out. Both in assembly and drivers.


And only safety issues are recalled. All the other issues are only covered if they fail withing warranty.

The “recall” was more of a disagreement between tesla and regulators. most of them tend to be that for Tesla on how things should happen. Also doesn’t help that the current head of NHSTA is a big shareholder in a competing firm who insists only Lidar enabled FSD systems will ever be level 5 due to a pre seated bias.

Yeah, I’ve watched Josh. He’s good, but not my favorite.

Mainly because he recommends gaming laptops that have poor battery life and MacBooks that have zero upgradability/repairability.

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I’m really curious when the review units will be sent out (or if they’ve already been sent). It would be neat to know when we start seeing this on youtube and tech sites.


Same thought. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to watch some reviews within the next week, that should be doable with some optimism ^^

I’m sadly in batch 5 (saw the email in the evening), only upside is that I might dodge some early issues. I doubt there will be many, as FW seem to have really good quality control.

I need some content to sweeten the wait, lol


Hmmm, there‘re geekbench valuea available ….


Nice spot!

Really hoping to see the reviews within the next week :smiley:
On time for (AMDs) CES as well, but I doubt they’ll mention Framework.

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That’s impressive. 23% quicker than my i9-10920X desktop, with 4 less cores!