
What is this thing?

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Expansion Bay Shell Interposer.

The compression-mounted cable that connects the Expansion Bay Shell to the Mainboard.


For the confused folks who got this part like myself, for clarity:

  • This is needed for installing the Expansion Bay Shell, so if you’ve ordered a Expansion Bay Shell along with an installed Graphics Expansion, this part (FRAKHNC) will be included with the Framework 16.
  • The install instructions for the Expansion Bay Shell (Install Expansion Bay Shell - Framework Guides) show where this part is used.

Edit: It seems I am behind in the barcode tech space. Didn’t recognize the barcode as a valid variant and my scanner apps weren’t able to process them.
(Original post spoiler’d)


The barcode printed on it seems to be invalid. According to QR code - Wikipedia, it requires 3 position markers, and not one, like the one in the picture.

My QR scanner app cannot process it.

It should look like this (all upper case without spaces or line breaks):

quick update, I’ve checked this with the team, looks like we have a micro QR code on this module, not a regular full sized one.

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For anyone who’s interested: The app “Binary Eye” can scan Micro QR Codes without any issues and this code just encodes the text next to it.

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Oh thank god. For a moment I thought OP was having a stroke or had a cat sit on their keyboard while they left their browser window open

Thanks and sorry for the noise on this. My fault. It seems I am behind in the barcode tech space. Didn’t recognize the barcode as a valid variant (never seen one before) and my scanner apps weren’t able to process them.

Honestly I didn’t know either and now we all know. Thank you for asking!

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