Framework 13 AMD battery does not charge

I have a Framework 13 DIY AMD laptop with Linux kernel 6.11.4-arch2-1 installed.

I have this on and off issue where I will charge my unpowered laptop, leave it alone for several hours, and come back and see the charging LED white. That means the battery is fully charged, so I unplug the charger and leave my laptop alone. Then, when I go to use my laptop later, I will power on my laptop and find that the battery is dead. Only then, after I have opened my dead laptop and reinserted the charger, will the battery charge as expected. As an end user, I find this behavior to be both perplexing and upsetting, and I have little clue as how to debug this issue.

The only debugging effort I have made is to check if my expansion slots were configured correctly, so I looked at Framework 13 AMD expansion slot manual. My USB-C expansion cards are in slot 1 and slot 3, both of which are compatible.

I suspect this issue to be a firmware issue of some sort, and if I’m correct, then there’s nothing I can do except post about my problem. A part of me wonders if my laptop is truly powered off in spite of my shutdown command, as the charging cycle works as expected after the battery dies. If anyone else has encountered this problem, feel free to reply ditto, and if you’ve solved or investigated this problem for yourself, please share your findings.