Framework 16: Fan spins up when booting into BIOS

That’s a little bit unfair. There’s an option for it documented in the “Framework BIOS Guide” thread, under the Advanced section: BIOS guide

If it’s not there in all versions, it is probably just an oversight.

I was more referring to the general lack of settings and the weird layout.

Hi @Homunculus:

Older computers also ran the electronics at their higher power states during BIOS (Power On Self Test [POST]) to verify they were starting up properly. It is actually a good thing your machine starts in this state and remains in the BIOS to help monitor steady states.

Your car actually does this same thing each time you turn the key to the ON position; which is why the indicator lights all fire up each time the car is powered on and start going out as each component passes the self-test. When a shop hooks up a diagnostic computer to a veicle’s OBD-II port it does something similar and keeps critical modules from going to lower power states or “sleep” to help diagnose the various systems.

Enjoy your new FW16! For FW16 specific questions you can always post to the FW16 forum.

Framework Laptop 16 general hardware

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I seem to be having the reverse problem. The fans run normally in the BIOS, but in Fedora they are silent… too silent. The laptop is getting super hot but the fans refuse to kick in.
Any advice?

That would be a different problem and should be in a different thread!