Framework Hat available again - but only US

I was delighted to get the notification just an hour ago that these lovely FW caps are available again in the store.
Then I turned to the store, and oh horror - the caps can’t be ordered from Europe (tried with Germany and a few other countries). The only country I’ve seen where they are available is the US.
This is SUPER disappointing.

Please Framework, make these caps available in Europe!

Agree with this, I’ve been wanting one for ages.

This is scandalous

this is fixed now, thanks for letting us know :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot … got me three, you never know. :smiley:

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Same issue with the Totem Bag and the Mystery Boxes… :frowning:

Tote bags and Mystery boxes are NA only unfortunately. But I shared the feedback with our team :slight_smile: