Framework Joystick Modules - Turning your 13 into an Handheld - Coming Soon!

How much?

Yes please!! I will purchase a set once you bring this to market. Please keep going. Any thoughts of adding some wrap around grips on the joysticks. You just turned the framework into a winmax 2. Please keep us updated!

There are the drop-in replacements for systems that use potentiometer based joysticks. GuliKit makes those for Nintendo Switch and the Steam Deck. So if you for example develop against the Switch or Steam Deck form factors the decision for or against hall effect could be made individually or even later.

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very interesting, as it would simplify the integration in a lot of handheld project; keeping an eye on it and i would definitely participate in a kickstarter

Well that’s pretty interesting. I definitely want to keep an eye on this!

I actually finished it, but don’t have time to post an update.