Framework Laptop 13 Ryzen 7040 BIOS 3.05 Release and Driver Bundle

Update: I currently have an issue where the laptop doesn’t detect the external monitor if the monitor was plugged in before the laptop was turned on.
I have to plug the monitor after the laptop has booted. Other than that, everything is fine

this might possibly also be highlevel software (OS) related I guess? what OS etc are you enjoying? here be details. might help them devs and debuggers.

Fedora 39, latest kernel(6.8.4). This bug didn’t occur on the previous bios. Since there might be a software issue, I’ll do a liveboot of Fedora with the monitor already plugged in.

Update: Seems to have fixed itself.

Do you know what your previous bios was? We would like you investigate your report more.

You can try a full bios defaults reset. You have to open the input cover, find the small switch in the center top of the mainboard. And press it for 1 second, release for 1 second, 10 times, then power on to perform a full bios reset.


Unfortunately I got an error during install and the laptop no longer POSTS etc:

Please advise, I used fwudmgr, ArchLinux, LTS kernel. Updating from the previous beta from a few days ago.

Update: Support has handled this on an existing ticket and may be related to other issues.

My BIOS upgrade from Windows 11 and new driver installation went flawlessly. Thanks!

Is there any advantage to installing the Framework provided GPU/Adrenalin driver that’s on the 23.X major version vs the driver available from AMD on the 24.X versioning? Guaranteed compatibility, performance, something else?

Thank you for the update, fixed all my issues except the screen staying on when lid gets closed. I can deal with that for now.

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same issue, my BIOS password no longer works, I was running BIOS 3.03.
I cannot even start booting since my machine requires a password to boot.

I’m trying to update from 3.03 to 3.05b, but it doesn’t show me any updates since the version number of the current BIOS is showing up as 771. Refreshing the metadata doesn’t solve this unfortunately ( sudo fwupdmgr refresh --force).

fwupdmgr get-devices 1e4fa9cea0b89e613370cf9657ffa0b6d3f37fec
Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040Series)
└─System Firmware:
      Device ID:          1e4fa9cea0b89e613370cf9657ffa0b6d3f37fec
      Summary:            UEFI System Resource Table device (Updated via caspule-on-disk)
      Current version:    771
      Minimum Version:    1
      Vendor:             Framework (DMI:INSYDE Corp.)
      Update State:       Success
      Problems:           • Device requires AC power to be connected
      GUID:               b5f7dcc1-568c-50f8-a4dd-e39d1f93fda1
      Device Flags:       • Internal device
                          • System requires external power source
                          • Needs a reboot after installation
                          • Cryptographic hash verification is available
                          • Device is usable for the duration of the update
                          • Updatable
      Device Requests:    • Message

Any ideas how to solve this? I have lvfs-testing enabled.

Rebooting fixed it for me. Also make sure you’re plugged into AC or it won’t offer to do the upgrade.

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Rebooting doesn’t do it for me and I’m also connected to AC. I’ve already tried a number of times of the past few days. My workflow:

  1. fwupdmgr refresh --force
  2. fwupdmgr get-devices
  3. fwupdmgr get-updates
  4. fwupdmgr update

Just gives me:

$fwupdmgr update
Devices with no available firmware updates: 
 • Fingerprint Sensor
 • System Firmware
 • UEFI dbx
No updatable devices


DeviceId:             1e4fa9cea0b89e613370cf9657ffa0b6d3f37fec
  Name:                 System Firmware
  Guid:                 b5f7dcc1-568c-50f8-a4dd-e39d1f93fda1
  Summary:              UEFI System Resource Table device (Updated via caspule-on-disk)
  Plugin:               uefi_capsule
  Protocol:             org.uefi.capsule
  Flags:                internal|updatable|require-ac|registered|needs-reboot|can-verify|usable-during-update
  RequestFlags:         allow-generic-message
  Checksum:             SHA256(29158964649ac1f4bdaf8ed36b857cb174af99229a648f5bc5e412105848e9c0)
  Vendor:               Framework
  VendorId:             DMI:INSYDE Corp.
  Version:              771
  VersionLowest:        1
  VersionFormat:        number
  VersionRaw:           0x00000303
  VersionLowestRaw:     0x00000001
  Icon:                 computer
  Created:              2024-04-09
  UpdateState:          success

Does fwupdmgr get-remotes show lvfs-testing as enabled?

tldr: yes

$ fwupdmgr get-remotes
Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen 7040Series)
├─Vendor (Automatic):
│     Remote ID:          vendor-directory
│     Type:               directory
│     Keyring:            none
│     Enabled:            true
│     Priority:           1000
│     Filename:           /usr/share/fwupd/remotes.d/vendor/firmware
│     Filename Source:    /etc/fwupd/remotes.d/vendor-directory.conf
├─Linux Vendor Firmware Service (testing):
│     Remote ID:          lvfs-testing
│     Type:               download
│     Keyring:            jcat
│     Enabled:            true
│     P2P Metadata:       true
│     P2P Firmware:       false
│     Checksum:           77c4ae2f2efbace0c1d2e4c772ae2fb6231acf1ef3ec8ff4bb57bdcd753cd477
│     Age:                2 hours
│     Refresh Interval:   24 hours
│     Priority:           1
│     Filename:           /var/lib/fwupd/metadata/lvfs-testing/metadata.xml.zst
│     Filename Signature: /var/lib/fwupd/metadata/lvfs-testing/metadata.xml.zst.jcat
│     Filename Source:    /etc/fwupd/remotes.d/lvfs-testing.conf
│     Metadata URI:
│     Metadata Signature:
│     Report URI:
│     Automatic Reporting:false
└─Linux Vendor Firmware Service:
      Remote ID:          lvfs
      Type:               download
      Keyring:            jcat
      Enabled:            true
      P2P Metadata:       true
      P2P Firmware:       false
      Checksum:           236382e0224a5a271aca9378ddbed1765ec679ae29ba62654be8f409fc8f1336
      Age:                2 hours
      Refresh Interval:   24 hours
      Filename:           /var/lib/fwupd/metadata/lvfs/metadata.xml.zst
      Filename Signature: /var/lib/fwupd/metadata/lvfs/metadata.xml.zst.jcat
      Filename Source:    /etc/fwupd/remotes.d/lvfs.conf
      Metadata URI:
      Metadata Signature:
      Report URI:
      Automatic Reporting:false

That’s very odd then; Can you please bring a bug report to GitHub - fwupd/fwupd: A system daemon to allow session software to update firmware and we can dig in further?
Attach the output of sudo fwupdtool update -vv to the bug report.

Thanks for looking into it, Mario! For anyone else encountering this issue, track progress here: No testing BIOS update available for Framework 13 · Issue #7060 · fwupd/fwupd · GitHub


For those following along it’s a regression in libxmlb 0.3.17 (specifically) Downgrading to 0.3.16 if it’s available will fix it, and 0.3.18 will be released this week with the fix.


I was having the same issue on Debian testing.

Applying this patch mentioned in the discussion that you linked on top of libxmlb 0.3.17 does fix the issue and I could update the BIOS to 3.05 !

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I upgraded from 3.03b. I haven’t tried rolling back yet, as others suggested, nor tried the full bios defaults reset. Pretty busy atm, I’m on the last two weeks of the college semester. I’ll check back when I can get to it.

I removed the sg_display=0 parameter and switched to iGPU “auto” mode, and was not able to replicate the GPU reset issues I was having before in a couple places where I could consistently trigger it. I also tried an older kernel with an older initrd and couldn’t trigger it there either. However, it was already an intermittent issue, so I’ll have to keep testing things. If I don’t see it after multiple attempts to replicate, I might have to update my bug report in Debian.

Also tried running with sg on and igpu auto, finished multiple runs of the built in cyberpunk benchmark without any of the artifacting I had previously and no issues running a long ai only game of stellaris (I just had the computer play itself as a stress test XD).

So far so good, I’ll leave it like that and will update if issues show up.