Framework Laptop 16 Ryzen 7040 BIOS 3.03 Release and Driver Bundle

What is the failure mode?
Can you describe the device you are attaching, OS, failure steps to reproduce.

Sure, I posted the issue here:

I have three different usb to hdmi adapters I can connect to the rear port (also the hdmi and dp expansion cards). They all act the same.

I have discovered recently that if I launch nvtop (need more testing, but probably anything that wakes it up will work), before connecting to the external port after booting up, it also works fine.

However, I noticed that it will never go back into D3cold mode again, even after rear usb is all disconnected and the dGPU is no longer in use.

Running Fedora 40 beta, and fwupdmgr doesn’t seem to see the update as available:
Determined that the current version is Version: 03.02, and verified that the metadata on disk even has the FW16 firmware in there.

I have disabled secure boot (or I at least think I have, it was weirdly complicated finding the secure boot menu)

Fwupd version:

$ fwupdmgr --version
compile   com.hughsie.libxmlb           0.3.17
compile   org.freedesktop.Passim        0.1.5
compile   com.hughsie.libjcat           0.2.1
compile   org.freedesktop.fwupd         1.9.16
runtime   org.freedesktop.fwupd-efi     1.4
compile   org.freedesktop.gusb          0.4.8
runtime   org.freedesktop.Passim        0.1.5
runtime   org.freedesktop.gusb          0.4.8
runtime   com.hughsie.libjcat           0.2.1
runtime   org.kernel                    6.8.4-300.fc40.x86_64
runtime   org.freedesktop.fwupd         1.9.16
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I have the same issue on my Framework 13, see:

I filed a bug report for it:

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I managed to get it working by deleting everything in the var folder, disabling all remotes (including one called vendor-directory), then enabled lvfs & lvfs-testing, did a refresh, and then suddenly it worked!

I suspect something got into a weird state, and fwupd just went stupid.

EDIT: the fwupd’s var folder. /var/lib/fwupd/ not the whole /var folder :sweat_smile:

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I also had a similar question regarding the Graphics Driver as another posted in the AMD FW13 BIOS/Driver thread.

Does the version included in the Framework bundle include the fix for the “Display frozen after smart MUX switching” issue reported in the 6th and 8th FW16 updates? Is that fix going to be only available in the FW version of the driver and will we have to continually look to FW for the updated versions to include the fix or is that fix going to be rolled into all new drivers available directly from AMD, and does the 24.x version available directly from them include it?

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Are all new machines shipped with latest stable BIOS? I ask, because assuming this BIOS goes to stable in the next couple of weeks, I’m in Batch 12, so curious if it’s likely I’ll be getting this or not.


mine (Batch 8 wave 2??) was 3.02 i immediately updated to 3.03 as i plan on installing the 2280 ssd today or tomorrow.
(running OS on the 2230)

Now batch 12 i would assume 3.03 would be final & no longer beta by then but it only took like 10 mins if that to update.

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Folks, it is immensely helpful for Linux users to include their distro and fwupdmgr --version
Editing existing posts with these details works.



Appreciate the details. Did you do the following:

fwupdmgr enable-remote lvfs-testing

fwupdmgr refresh --force

fwupdmgr get-updates

fwupdmgr update


Hi @jared_kidd,

I’d like you to get this into a ticket as I feel like there may be additional factors. A bit warning, we do not actively test against Arch, however, I’d like to get logs from you and see if we can spot the issue, repro again with you testing a few different things.

When creating the ticket, please link to this thread and mention this is for Matt Hartley and to be sent directly to me please.


Hi @Kelton_Page, I’d like you to get this into a ticket as I feel like there may be additional factors.

While I am exclusively Linux support, I would like to get this ticket in front of our engineering team and will be the one connecting everyone in the ticket.

When creating the ticket, please link to this thread and mention this is for Matt Hartley and to be sent directly to me please.


Has anyone encountered issues connecting with the USB-C enabled iPhone 15 Pro Max (or similar) after updating to 3.03? I am encountering an issue where the USB connection goes through an infinite connection/disconnection cycle after plugging it in via a standard USB-C to USB-C cable. This behavior occurs regardless of laptop power state (the behavior continues when the laptop is powered off). I have tried different cables and different ports but nothing resolves the issue. I sent a request in to support to have them look into the issue but it’s been a slow process of gathering data so far.

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As mentioned I managed to get it working by (as root):

  • Deleting everything in /var/lib/fwupd/.
  • dnf update --refresh
  • dnf reinstall fwupd
  • fwupdmgr disable-remote lvfs-testing
  • fwupdmgr disable-remote lvfs
  • fwupdmgr disable-remote vendor-directory
  • fwupdmgr enable-remote lvfs
  • fwupdmgr enable-remote lvfs-testing
  • fwupdmgr refresh --force
  • fwupdmgr update

I suspect fwupd might have gotten confused as I just upgraded from F39 to F40, and I have no idea what vendor-directory is about, but I suspect disabling that resolved things for me…

There seem to have been one or more bugs in fwupd or rather, the libxmlb depedency for it. See: No testing BIOS update available for Framework 13 · Issue #7060 · fwupd/fwupd · GitHub. The updated libxmlb (3.18) is already in Fedora to fix this. There might be more issues in fwupd though, there’s still discussion going on in a similar ticket.

Who can the userbase engage with at Microsoft to change this?

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Yes, same problem on Windows with an iPhone 15 Pro.

Complains there’s not enough power and disconnects. Then repeats the cycle.

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There is a seperate thread about iPhones not connecting, from way back.

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It is still an active problem problem with the Framework 13 laptops. I could not find a corresponding Framework 16 thread before posting here. It seems like there’s something going on with the Framework USB C negotiation process.

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Thank you for the response. I had submitted a support ticket a couple days ago, but unfortunately I can’t find any ticket number or way of referencing it for you. I have just responded to the support agent’s email request for further information.
And to note on OS, I am doing any troubleshooting with Framework on Fedora 39 instead of Arch.