Framework Laptop 13 US QWERTY Keyboard with broken tab and right shift keys

Device: Framework Laptop 13
Included Parts: US QWERTY keyboard
Original Purchase Date: Feb 27 2023
Region/Country: United States
Price (and accepted payment methods) $8, via Mercari
Shipment option/shipment price: $8
Pictures of the actual laptop/parts:

Purchase at [third party link removed by moderators]

To go into further detail, the issue with the keys is essentially that I removed them in an attempt to clear out dust while using it. This was a mistake because, as I hadn’t realized at the time, these keys aren’t meant to be removed this way.

Aw, did this sell already? I’ve never used mercari, but it seems to be listed as sold on there. I was thinking of using it to prototype a QMK add-on board for the Framework 13.