Framework Laptop 16 Batch Shipment Chart

Yay! Got my batch 17 shipping notification.

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No, I only track the first arrivals. I can’t keep track of the last laptops in a batch because there’s no way to know which one is the last, and it’s hard to account for the middle of the batch without scraping every message in several threads.

I recognize the difficulty, but unfortunately, it creates inaccuracy. A lot of us have had our shipment held up for several days–not just this batch, but from what I can tell, most batches–by customs clearance holds in Anchroage. It means actual delivery time is more like a week to a week and a half from payment.

Batch 17 has arrived (24MAY 2024)

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Welp it’s been real, Batch Shipment Chart topic friends.

Epilogue: This marvel of engineering has exceeded my expectations in every way. Facts.

Kindly critique my work resignation letter draft:
“Dear (mgr name redacted): I hereby submit two weeks notice of resignation per our employment agreement that I may devote more time to an important new relationship with an inanimate object. Respectfully, Comrade Stiv”


“Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.”

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Thanks for the great tracking thread, OP. I’m unwatching now that my laptop is enroute. Terrible timing, of course. Taiwan to Alaska to Memphis to Honolulu in 30ish hours, now going to sit there for 4 days because of memorial Day. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to wait until Wednesday.

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Honestly the thread is probably gonna end soon anyways since I doubt we are having a batch 21. It’s been great stalking the charts!


batch 21 opened a day or two ago

i think its incredibly unlikely we will get a batch 22 though, ill predict batch 21 wont get prep emails until batch 20 has shipped completely so they can go to on-demand fulfilment with the closing of batch 21


Oh I guess I missed that. I could have sworn it was still batch 20. Batch 20 was a really quick batch.


Got my Batch 17 one on 5/28!

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Just got my Batch 19 prep email!


Batch 18 Credit Card just got charged!

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Batch 19 prep email received


Batch 19 prep email received


UPDATE 5-29-2024: Batch 17 Arrivals on 27th, Batch 18 Charged, Batch 19 Emails

Batch 17 saw their first arrivals on Monday the 27th, and more are on the way! Today batch 18 was charged for their laptops and batch 19 received their preparation emails! Batch 21 was also just opened, and since it is included in the 2 batch prediction of the main charts, the far chart is now done! Also, many laptops that were held up in Australian customs are now making it through, here’s to smooth sailing for the rest!

Deltas Chart

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.4
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.5
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Excluding Batch 1-4): 4.9

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked in the first post of this topic.

Feedback please!

Finally, while I still have people checking in here, please give me any feedback you have about my charts and posts! With the new Intel mainboard for the Framework Laptop 13 just announced, I would like to make charts for those too (unless someone else really wants to take over), so let me know how I can make them better!


These charts have been awesome!, they allow us to get not just a good estimate but good enough estimate to when they are arriving, allowing us to prepare bits and pieces and finances… :slight_smile:

Keep them up if you like doing them, would be interesting to see a comparison with Frameworks own data on when they thought these steps would happen for the batches… I keep thinking they probably use them as much as we do to see that people are getting stuff :slight_smile:


Batch 18 arrived!!


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that was really fast, like 2 days after the card charges

if only all of them arrived that fast lol

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Are in the US, then it would explain why it got to u so fast

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