Framework Laptop 16 Batch Shipment Chart

16th batch

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Same, my order just released from Customs about an hour ago. Delivery expected by tomorrow.


Yup. Looks like we were in same bundle.


Just charged for batch 17. No email yet but it’s on my CC statement.


Batch 17, got charged, waiting on email

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Same here, just ordered my m.2 drives!

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UPDATE 5-22-2024: Batch 17 Charged

Batch 17 was charged today, your laptops should start arriving early next week! The lines are still out of wack from batch 16’s early arrival, but that should be fixed soon.

Deltas Chart

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.4
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.4
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Excluding Batch 1-4): 4.8

Far Predictions

*Batch 21 not open yet

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked in the first post of this topic.


Of course Batch 18 would be one of the only times that we didn’t get prep emails the same day that the previous batch gets cards charged.

I swear this pre-order is turning me back into an impatient 8 year old


Might still get it today, maybe?

Well, we haven’t technically gotten emails about being charged yet. Just see it on CC statement.

Batch 18, just received my prep email! IT’S HAPPENING!!!


Boom… delivered.

To their credit, FedEx doesn’t eff around once it’s back in their hot little hands. Abs stunning logistical wizardry when you ponder it :sparkles:


Can confirm, batch 18 prep email today!

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does anyone have all the dates of when each batch opened? i think itd be neat to have that plotted on the full graph once preorders stop and they move to on-demand fulfilment, just to show how production was ramping up


Which batch?

Which batch?

batch 16

UPDATE 5-23-2024: Batch 18 Emails

Batch 18 received their batch prep emails today! By my charts they can expect their laptops to arrive early next week and then their cards will be charged later that week. I’ve been wondering when shipping companies would invent time travel to get around deadlines, and it looks like the time is now! Jokes aside, I expect batch 17 arrivals and batch 18 charges early next week followed by batch 19 emails soon afterwards.

Deltas Chart

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.4
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.4
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Excluding Batch 1-4): 4.9

Far Predictions

*Batch 21 not open yet

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked in the first post of this topic.


Is your chart accounting for people whose laptops are stuck in customs limbo? :slight_smile:

Just got my batch 18 upcoming charge email. This is the Second 16inch for our family.

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