Framework Laptop 16 High-End GPUs?

Not that it changes things much and you’re probably aware but intel’s 10nm has a similar transistor density ~100 MTr/mm2 and is comparable to TSMC’s 7nm process.

No need to apologize. Just wanted to point out that their GPUs are technically on the smaller node, being fabbed by TSMC, not Intel themselves. Either way, here’s hoping they will be competitive.

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There is no industry standard way to measure transistor size. Each brand has their own system.

What you’re referring to as Intel 10 nm is actually physically similar in size to TSMC 7 nm (slightly smaller than original TSMC 7 nm, slightly larger than the refined version of TSMC 7 nm).

This is why Intel rebranded their 10 nm process to Intel 7. IMO that rebranding was reasonable.

What is annoying is that Intel rebranded what they originally called 7 nm to Intel 4. That is making it sound better than it is. In terms of physical size it is actually between TSMC 6 nm and TSMC 5 nm according to most sources I’ve seen.

Support, vendor, fanbase, transistor density, yadda yadda. What about all of the 7700’s that have shipped already (mine included)? Without a completed thunderbolt/OCuLink enclosure or a PCIE-to-interposer converter of some kind, those would all fight for survival on eBay or be e-wasted. Only slightly antithetical to Framework’s vision.

I suspect we’ll see an out-of-chassis solution before we see a different GPU.

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I like the idea of being able to dock the dGPU modules like how they did with the motherboards, it would certainly be cool. My gut says if they did something like this, it would be a simple adapter that let you mount the dGPU into a pcie x16 slot of your choice. I’m not sure that it would be entirely against their ethos though, as if someone upgrades their GPU, and even assuming the old GPU doesn’t get recycled via the used market, 1 GPU of e-waste is still an improvement over the current status quo of replacing the entire laptop.

I think it’ll be an iterative process.

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Did Framework ever release a roadmap for planned upgrade components?

FW doesnt do public roadmaps for anything.