Framework Laptop 16 User Reviews

I added some tape on the midplate where the rubbers would be (I think the tape was ~0.1mm thick), did some engineered tapping to try and bend the panels flatter, and deburred the top edge (scrape with a hardened metal edge, then buff with cloth).

It’s a lot better now. The feel by the bottom keys went from “Eeek!” to “meh”, and the panels are also much better fit with no more rattling when I use the touchpad.

I personally think this is something they could easily improve for later batches. Literally apply more strategic tape to the midplate and debur the top edge.

The panels are quite thin, so I feel that getting them consistently flat is a really hard thing to do.


What browser are you using? And is it installed as a normal system package (not snap, flatpak, or appImage)?

Try adding a udev rule.
~Edit~ And if anyone else needs to apply this, please post your distro.


Linux udev Rules

On Linux, you’ll need proper privileges to communicate with the bootloader device. You can either use sudo when flashing firmware (not recommended), or place this file into /etc/udev/rules.d/.

Once added, run the following:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger

It helped someone else on Fedora 39 KDE who was also failing to connect. If it fixes that for you, let us know. Might turn out to be something all Fedora 39 users need. Or maybe it’s just Fedora KDE.


Chromium as normal system package.

I installed those udev rules and now it works. So yeah, it’s likely a thing needed for many users. Should be added to the docs I think.

Thanks for the help!


A lot of my disappointment stems from the fact that these feel like easy wins and fixes. Some bevelling here, more padding there would go a long way. And we as customers shouldn’t have to be filing, bending, padding or using a hammer (sorry, I mean engineered tapping :stuck_out_tongue: ) to get up to the expected level of quality.

I feel like they got 90% of the way there, and needed to ship.

I hope they can improve this as a “1.1” refresh.

If we consider something like the car industry, those guys spend a lot of time and money on tuning things like how the doors feel and sound like when they close, because they affect how a customer perceives the quality of the product.

If Framework wants to break out from the world of us hobbyists and enthusiasts, this is the sort of thing that they need to fix.


If you consider the car industry, the first models using a new chassis tend to have NVH issues too. Some of the NVH stuff can only be determined when its been through customers hands.

I agree this is the sort of thing they need to fix, but if we don’t tell them, then how will they know it’s an issue?
So… don’t be too hard on them, yet.


I will most likely be returning my batch 3 Framework Laptop 16 for the following reasons:

  • The rear stand in the expansion module digs into my legs when used on my lap, as I mentioned here and on Reddit
  • Poor build quality: The input modules don’t line up and have hard plastic lines, as you can see in these pictures
  • So-so battery life


Can Framework fix these problems? Maybe, but $2,000 is a lot of money to gamble on a maybe. I’m trying not to fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

There are some things I like about the laptop.

  • My choice of the exact ports I want (with a few limitations about placement)
    • This is my number one reason for choosing Framework. I hate dongles!
  • The display is beautiful, once you turn off AMD Veri-Bright
  • And of course unmatched repairability and upgradability

I’m very disappointed because I was so hyped and looking forward to getting this laptop for months.

I’m thinking about a couple different options:

  • Downgrade to the AMD Framework 13
    • Still get to pick my ports…just fewer ports
    • Less screen real estate
    • More portable
    • More mature platform
    • Keep my storage and RAM
    • Save a little money
    • Still supporting Framework
  • Switch to the base model of the 2023 Dell XPS 15 (9530) and replace the RAM and SSD with what I have
    • About the same price as a base DIY Framework 16
    • From a well-established brand
    • A sweet spot between potability and screen real estate
    • A Beautiful screen
    • All USB-C :smiling_face_with_tear:
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The 13 is quite nice if you like an ultra portable.

I’m using a 13 that I’ll give as a gift after my 16 arrives.

I don’t think you’ll miss the two extra ports. I’m not saying they wouldn’t be nice to have, but four at a time is workable.

It’s very light, very comfortable, and it’s in stock.


[quote=“Sean_Whalen, post:134, topic:44921”]
I will most likely be returning my batch 3 Framework Laptop 16[/quote]

Please do !
One other happy folk will get this baby with a better price because of you !

But … my friend … you’ve been told that this is new model and a first gen, right ? You’re batch 3 and you got plenty of time looking at the review all over the web, right ?

A device being first generation doesn’t mean someone isn’t justified in their reasons to want to return it. There are some physical aspects which become more clear only when you use the device personally. And the two main things he mentioned were not pointed out by any major reviewer as far as I can remember, either because it wasn’t important to them or they didn’t get to encounter them (likely because of not using the laptop on their lap).


Framework should fix those errors before submitting the next batches

Dell’s after-sales service is horrible. In my country there are thousands of complaints

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I am not sure they can do much about the input modules not being flush with the top, but maybe they can put some soft rubber on the plastic standoff.

Beware, the XPS 14 9440 RAM is soldered, but you can replace the SSD apparently.

Thanks. I got the model wrong. The model my friend suggested is the XPS 15 9320. I’ll edit my post.

The 9320 is the 13 plus. I don’t know what he’s talking about lol. I’m thinking Dell isn’t going to be an option for me.

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Yes, especially as Dell still uses their crappy palmrest material, this is what you get for 2k from Dell :

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I think Framework tried to do way too much at once with a modular GPU and input. I was only interested in the Framework 16 for the additional screen real estate and ports. If Framework made a 15 inch version of the 13 with the extra ports, I’d buy that in a heartbeat.

Finally got clarification about the Dell. It’s last year’s model XPS 15 9530. The ram is absolutely upgradable in that one, there are YouTube videos of it. I’ve updated my comparison post again.

Only a personal choice, but I’ll take Framework’s “palmrest spacers not aligning perfectly” (with the hope that FW release a single piece, full width touchpad some day) over Dell’s “sticky palmrest that forces me to replace it every 2 years or cover it with a skin” :smile:

If you want to return your FW16, I think that you’d find better alternatives from Lenovo.


I’ve had my FW 16 for less than 24 hours, and I can say the visual lines from the palmrest spacers have already faded into the background as something I don’t notice. I wouldn’t stress too much about them.