Framework NixOS (Linux) users self-help

Here’s another way to do it (by disabling those options and avoiding rebuilds):

services.power-profiles-daemon.package = pkgs.power-profiles-daemon.overrideAttrs {
  version = "f8bea7c205afc4b3101edc31b8e9b35780b0ceb6";
  src = pkgs.fetchFromGitLab {
    domain = "";
    owner = "upower";
    repo = "power-profiles-daemon";
    rev = "f8bea7c205afc4b3101edc31b8e9b35780b0ceb6";
    sha256 = "sha256-+TAZNZOChG4FASdGpBL3mQsFZgUhLrmWFpbxHjTyWgE=";
  mesonFlags =
    ++ [
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Worth noting that these PPD updates do not seem to work on the latest stable, 23.11.

I’m running PPD 0.20 on 23.11 stable, so it may just have to do with tweaking the config.

This was the override that I was using for a bit to get things working:

        (final: prev: {
            power-profiles-daemon = prev.power-profiles-daemon.overrideAttrs(
              old: {
                version = "0.20";
                nativeBuildInputs = old.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ pkgs.argparse-manpage ];
                src = prev.fetchFromGitLab {
                  domain = "";
                  owner = "upower";
                  repo = "power-profiles-daemon";
                  rev = "0.20";
                  sha256 = "sha256-8wSRPR/1ELcsZ9K3LvSNlPcJvxRhb/LRjTIxKtdQlCA=";
                postPatch = ''
                  patchShebangs --build \
                    src/powerprofilesctl \
                    tests/ \

Although pkgs refers to nixpkgs-unstable, and actually if you have a nixpkgs-unstable input overriding is way simpler now that the PPD 0.20 update is merged. This is what I have now:

        # Use nixpkgs-unstable PPD with latest source/inputs
        (_: _: { power-profiles-daemon = pkgs.power-profiles-daemon; })
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Worth asking for a backport to 23.11 maybe rather than jumping through those hoops? I didn’t do it as I both run unstable and have very little understanding of how PPD works and what it might have compatibilities with; but NixOS releases are not Debian stable, and requests to backport version bumps are usually accepted if there are no issues with them.

Does this mean that once we either backport to 23.11 or hit 24.05 that this would be all we need for @Mario_Limonciello’s fixes?

  # AMD has better battery life with PPD over TLP:
  services.power-profiles-daemon.enable = lib.mkDefault true;

Already in NixOS/nixos-hardware.

#TIL that the preventWakeOnAC workaround from nixos-hardware is no longer needed with kernel >= 6.7 because of

I’m getting the “No devices available” error when enrolling fingerprints on my Intel 12th gen Framework, despite it working fine in Manjaro. I’ve tried clearing the old fingerprints, updating the firmware (even though the guide said it’s only needed for 13th gen and AMD), nothing is working.

My config contains:

services.fprintd.enable = true;
services.fprintd.tod.enable = true;
services.fprintd.tod.driver = pkgs.libfprint-2-tod1-goodix; = true;

Any ideas?

I’d love two separate nixos threads for AMD and intel, things are getting pretty messy


Does anyone else have a problem with the cpu frequency? It appears to be stuck at 400Hz no matter what.
intel_pstate is active and governor is ‘performance’.
I don’t think I had this problem yesterday, I only noticed after adding a TLP configuration but even reverting that doesn’t make a difference

Good evening all,

Hoping to get a few pointers on where to start with a few issues I’m having.

I’m a bit of a newer Linux user as I’ve used Fedora for about a year, but never had to tinker as it’s always worked / never gotten in the way of my needs, but this weekend I decided to learn something new with my flash new toy.

So here are my issues:

  • When connecting the dock, either 1)The external screen wakes, and no peripherals work, or 2) the screen is not recognised but all my peripherals work
  • The HDMI expansion card does nothing. Not so much as an audible device tone.

Some context, I have run my laptop in dual boot with Fedora 39 for about a fortnight and had neither of the above issues.

Things I have tried:

  • nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
  • changing to unstable branch
  • applying the nixos-hardware config
  • trying a different Desktop Environment
  • quick google searches before realising I’m in too deep and don’t have enough established knowledge of linux or Nix
  • going back to Fedora as a sanity check

I appreciate this is probably not the best initial place to ask this, but I figured it was contextually, worth doing as we’re all on (somewhat) similar platforms. I’m happy to go and read and/or play, but I don’t know where to start.

Any hints, tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Fingerprint related stuff now has its own thread.

I thought I’d share my config here for my 12th-gen Intel Framework laptop

This is a flake-based config with home-manager as a module. It includes the recommended TLP config from Framework. I’m currently running a pre-release version of System76s COSMIC desktop environment (which is awesome!), but also have configuration for KDE Plasma 6. I also have Firefox and Neovim configured through home-manager.

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I am in the process of working with the NixOS community right now (literally in chat in another tab) for a community support program.

Soon, once we get everything dialed in, you will see NixOS recommendations in the nearish future.


That’s awesome to hear and is definitely something I would love to participate in! Will you link to any upcoming announcements in this thread?

I’m going insane I have a AMD Framework, Latest BIOS, Latest Kernel, and I keep getting this error which disconnects my USB-C AMP/Headphone Setup like 3 seconds after I connect it (It works for like 3 seconds then makes a pop sound and stops working, and this error shows up, I reconnect it, and it works for 3 more seconds than stops working.)
Even after it stops working, it still shows up as an available output too.
For some reason, TIDaL-HiFi works until I switch my window to Firefox and start playing audio, then it breaks again??? Something with switching windows from TIDaL-Hifi to Firefox and playing audio (e.g a youtube video) breaks it.
Kernel: 6.8.2
NixOS: Unstable Branch

Definitely not NixOS-specific, so it would probably be better to ask in some other thread.

But anyway, are you sure that this error actually appears right after the disconnect? Does it appear every time? Many people are getting this error, so it would be good to confirm that it is actually related. My logs are definitely full of this error and I don’t think it has any negative effect in my setup. You might also consider following e.g. [RESOLVED] AMD F39 USB-C hiccups with external display directly connected via USB-C - #16 by Matt_Hartley.

It is related, I tested multiple times, after the disconnect it shows that error in the log.

Yep, it will be announce here. Nix team has already put this together - I am crafting my asks now to send them. Working directly with them.

Now we need to fill in the blanks with help from the community. This entry is for 11th gen, but we need it for all selections here.

We have two spaces, best to start here and let them know you want to join up and help with contributions here. They have set up a dedicated Matrix chat, but best start here and request directions on what works best for their team.


Are you sure that isn’t just this upstream issue?

Yes, I’m sure since it works with other Linux computers (my mom’s computer that’s running Arch currently)