Framework NixOS (Linux) users self-help

Hi! I am seeing similar - did you find a solution?

Not sure if this solves it, but they did just merge Framework 16 support into the hardware repo here: Reposted added framework 16 by jkoking · Pull Request #915 · NixOS/nixos-hardware · GitHub

I see it includes a tweak for Fix TRRS headphones missing a mic which might be related?

For your information: I found the following wiki pages about Framework Laptop.

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I am having an issue where sometimes when I resume from hibernation, the wifi drivers are not loaded. I have to do sudo modprobe -r mt7921e && sleep 10 && sudo modprobe mt7921e to get wifi working again.

I am on an AMD framework running 23.11 with the latest kernel, using the nixos-hardware repo. My disk has luks encryping an LVM that has a root and swap volumns.

Not really sure where to start troubleshooting, but am open to suggestions.

First of all, what are the symptoms? Anything in dmesg? Do you see the physical interface e.g. in ip l? Also what do you mean by “drivers”? You are saing that you have to do modrprobe -r, so sounds like the module gets loaded?

Is it worth making a dedicated subreddit related to framework and nixos called something like r/framework_nixos?

I personally don’t want to make it as I dont want to mod… but I think the reddit format would be better suited to sharing configs / discussions over a forum based…where most of the discussion is in a few threads what do you guys think?

Here is my current NixOS config:

My config is flake based, has the following:
On nixos-unstable (shifted from nixos 23.11)
Plasma 6
Home-Manager with Plasma-manager

Looking to fix or add the following to my config:

  • Speaker audio was louder in my initial nixos config.
    Its quieter now be default. Not sure how to fix?
  • Charging via a powerbank does not charge at a decent rate. PowerBank is brand new: Anker 737. Replaced, same issue.
    Charges at 88W when powered off, much lower when framework on (0-4w).
    Error on bootup if powerbank is connected:
    ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: unknown error 256
    ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: con3: failed to register partner alt modes( -5)
    dmesg, last boot log: Warp
  • Not sure how to set a wallpaper. Tried multiple ways and all have failed so far.
  • Replace SSDM theme to sugar dark but hitting issues, raised an issue on vimjoyers github project related to video here:
    sddm-theme sugar dark issues · Issue #2 · vimjoyer/theming-video · GitHub
  • Need to move to a more module based NixOS config

Any suggestions or questions around my config or solutions to my issues are welcome. :smiley:

didn’t realize I had to run:

fwupdmgr refresh
fwupdmgr get-updates
fwupdmgr update

I am now on bios 3.03. I get less dmesg spam but still get:
UCSI_GET_PDOS failed (-70)

Looking at the framework 13 threads, apparently this is a known framework issue where the kernal can’t negotiate over usb properly and I don’t see a fix? This is pretty bad in my opinion if I can’t use a power bank.
Relevant post in thread:

Is that a typo, and you meant 3.05? If not, that’s the one you should get onto.

EDIT: sorry, didn’t realize you were speaking about FW16. Please ignore. These separate NixOS threads - this and the FW16 one - sure are confusing…

Interesting opportunity for NixOS users!


Might be worth renaming the Thread to “Framework 13 NixOS (Linux) users self-help”.
I can rename it, if everyone is okay with it.

Not sure what the best approach would be. Historically, all things Framework/NixOS ended up in this thread, regardless of the Framework flavor, and despite the Intel vs AMD differences. Then, a dedicated FW16 thread was created, which, arguably, still had a fair bit of content that applies equally to all FW laptops, and that led me to erroneously assume that all FW16 owners were posting there.

I believe, the discussions in both threads - and especially those collected in this one - may benefit all NixOS users, as most of us, it seems, are still figuring out how to best do things on NixOS in general. Maybe, one day the threads could get merged. In the meantime, I am monitoring both.

It would be helpful, and sufficient, I think, if everyone stated at the top of a post which platform they are using, if that’s relevant. But it’s probably not realistic to expect. So, on my end, I’ll just try to be more mindful of the need to figure out which system is talked about, instead of jumping to conclusions :slight_smile:


I would also like to see Framework CPU Usage LED module. I used it and keylightd on an arch install.

I’m still wrapping my head around nix. Only been on the train for a few months.

Hi my microphone is not working on 13 AMD.

running pamixer --default-source --get-volume-human prints 100%

pamixer --list-sources prints:

54 "alsa_output.pci-0000_c1_00.6.analog-stereo.monitor" "Suspended" "Monitor of Family 17h/19h HD Audio Controller Analog Stereo"
55 "alsa_input.pci-0000_c1_00.6.analog-stereo" "Suspended" "Family 17h/19h HD Audio Controller Analog Stereo"
144 "alsa_output.pci-0000_c1_00.1.hdmi-stereo.monitor" "Suspended" "Monitor of Rembrandt Radeon High Definition Audio Controller Digital Stereo (HDMI)"

idk what “Suspended” would mean in that output. And no the microphone hardware switch is not turned off.

my sound config:

  sound.enable = true;
  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;
  security.rtkit.enable = true;
  services.pipewire = {
    enable = true;
    alsa.enable = true;
    alsa.support32Bit = true;
    pulse.enable = true;

How have you guys setup for microphone sound to work?

edit: oh and yea so ive tested it in both signal and obs and the only output i get is kinda like white noise.

Sorry for the late reply, but have you tried adjusting the profile for the internal sound device to Analog Stereo Duplex? I use pulsemixer for this: nix shell nixpkgs#pulsemixer --command pulsemixer.

Then hit F3 to go to the cards, press down to get to the Family 17h/19h HD Audio Controller, press Enter, then select Analog Stereo Duplex on the left popout menu. Then hit F2 to go to Input devices, press Down to select the Family 17h/19h HD Audio Controller Analog Stereo device, make sure it is unmuted (press M to toggle mute) and the volume is set to about 30 (a good level in my experience, yours may vary – you can press 3 to set it to 30).

Let me know if that helps at all! Also you definitely don’t have anything plugged into the headphone jack, right?
sound.enable is only for ALSA based configs.

Note I created the following 2 pages redirecting to the “Hardware/Framework/Laptop_13”. This is beneficial when the pages are used as a portal page for the Framework or Framework Laptop. I added the link to Wikipedia’s Framework Computer - External Links.

#REDIRECT [[Hardware/Framework/Laptop_13]]

This mechanism is used in Arch Linux Wiki’s Framework Laptop page.

I have an interesting issue on my new Framework 13 AMD that I haven’t seen here or in searches elsewhere.

On boot up, the screen goes blank and sits there (I let it sit for an hour before rebooting). It happens with both 23.11 usb and the just released today 24.05 usb.

I figured out a work around is to select nomodeset. This obviously cripples the graphics.

I was then able to install NixOS 24.05.
After reboot, the same thing happens after a brief screen showing “loading amdgpu”, before I even get to the prompt to enter luks password. Had to add nomodeset to boot.kernelparams to get it to boot.
I added nixos-hardware’s /framework/13-inch/7040-amd, but same thing is happening.

PS: I have updated the firmware to 3.5.

Hey everyone :wave:
Recently I’ve been bumping into an old issue of mine. Scroll speed with Gnome…
It’s just way too fast on some applications. Native/Gtk applications seem to handle it fine; Others like Firefox or warp-terminal etc are scrolling way too fast on the touchpad 2 finger scrolling. Am I the only one with this problem? I’ve looked for an answer and found multiple issue and bug reports that only resulted in dying out. Can somebody point me in the right direction?


And another issue has arisen. Upgraded to NixOS 24.05 and now when I shutdown the laptop it kinda stays active? It says “target reached: Shutdown” or sth on the screen. Everything’s good so far, but then it turns off, but the power button and keyboard backlight stays on. Not even that the last time I shut it off. I turned it on later and was greeted by 0% battery charge… Did anyone have the same problem?

nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
 - system: `"x86_64-linux"`
 - host os: `Linux 6.6.32, NixOS, 24.05 (Uakari), 24.05.20240531.63dacb4`
 - multi-user?: `yes`
 - sandbox: `yes`
 - version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.18.2`
 - channels(<user>): `"nixos-23.11, nixpkgs"`
 - channels(root): `"nixpkgs"`
 - nixpkgs: `/home/<user>/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs

I saw that too. I solved it by using the latest kernel:

        boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;

If you want to avoid the latest kernel for whatever reason, you can apply the patch yourself from this issue Cannot shutdown laptop with linux6.6-6.6.31_1 · Issue #50417 · void-linux/void-packages · GitHub like so:

boot.kernelPatches = [
    name = "framework13shutdownfix";
    patch = builtins.fetchurl {
      url = "";
      sha256 = "sha256:10zcnzy5hkam2cnxx441b978gzhvnqlcc49k7bpz9dc28xyjik50";

This will mean your machine will need to compile the kernel, though :+1:

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