Framework NixOS (Linux) users self-help

Hey everyone :wave:
Recently Iā€™ve been bumping into an old issue of mine. Scroll speed with Gnomeā€¦
Itā€™s just way too fast on some applications. Native/Gtk applications seem to handle it fine; Others like Firefox or warp-terminal etc are scrolling way too fast on the touchpad 2 finger scrolling. Am I the only one with this problem? Iā€™ve looked for an answer and found multiple issue and bug reports that only resulted in dying out. Can somebody point me in the right direction?


And another issue has arisen. Upgraded to NixOS 24.05 and now when I shutdown the laptop it kinda stays active? It says ā€œtarget reached: Shutdownā€ or sth on the screen. Everythingā€™s good so far, but then it turns off, but the power button and keyboard backlight stays on. Not even that the last time I shut it off. I turned it on later and was greeted by 0% battery chargeā€¦ Did anyone have the same problem?

nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
 - system: `"x86_64-linux"`
 - host os: `Linux 6.6.32, NixOS, 24.05 (Uakari), 24.05.20240531.63dacb4`
 - multi-user?: `yes`
 - sandbox: `yes`
 - version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.18.2`
 - channels(<user>): `"nixos-23.11, nixpkgs"`
 - channels(root): `"nixpkgs"`
 - nixpkgs: `/home/<user>/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs

I saw that too. I solved it by using the latest kernel:

        boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;

If you want to avoid the latest kernel for whatever reason, you can apply the patch yourself from this issue Cannot shutdown laptop with linux6.6-6.6.31_1 Ā· Issue #50417 Ā· void-linux/void-packages Ā· GitHub like so:

boot.kernelPatches = [
    name = "framework13shutdownfix";
    patch = builtins.fetchurl {
      url = "";
      sha256 = "sha256:10zcnzy5hkam2cnxx441b978gzhvnqlcc49k7bpz9dc28xyjik50";

This will mean your machine will need to compile the kernel, though :+1:

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GNOME doesnā€™t expose touchpad scroll speed, unfortunately. Itā€™s been a deal breaker for me for awhile. This isnā€™t an issue with KDE.

Update on my weird graphics issues. After working with support, theyā€™ve determined itā€™s a hardware issue (DOA) and Iā€™ll be receiving a replacement mainboard shortly.

cool! I had that with my 13th gen mainboard. I shouldā€™ve talked to support, I wonder if itā€™s been too long now

oh I did a nix flake update to latest unstable and the KDE keylight adjuster just works out of the box. Perhaps this means keylightd is no longer needed?

Hello there! thankyou for reading this- iā€™m still an beginner in Nixos, but i pulled back because i didnā€™t know how to install applications that wasnā€™t listed in the nixos packages, so long story short, how does one install applications that is non-nixos packages? iā€™ve done some research on this and i still donā€™t know how to do it. Thankyou for your help,

Generally youā€™ll want to package the software yourself, which isnā€™t as hard as it sounds. See Packaging existing software with Nix ā€” documentation for instructions.

Another quick and dirty way is using GitHub - Mic92/nix-ld: Run unpatched dynamic binaries on NixOS. This way you can run unpatched dynamic binaries not packaged for Nix.
This Stackexchange post also has some more info on the topic.
Different methods to run a non-nixos executable on Nixos - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

In the long run, if you use the software often youā€™ll want to package it. Also always do some searching if the software you are trying to run is already packaged by someone else for instance in the nix community packages.

Thankyou so much!! what about using different vpns thatā€™s non-nixos? would that be harder to do?

I havenā€™t dabbled with VPNs on NixOS yet, but you can check if the VPN you are trying to use is packaged for NixOS, for instance Mullvad and Nordvpn are both packaged for NixOS.

If not you can check, if your VPN implements either OpenVPN or Wireguard, if it does, you can just add it using the options provided by the corresponding wiki article.

If both options donā€™t apply, you might have to try and package the VPN for NixOS, which might be a bit more difficult since VPNs often have some other custom rules but itā€™s definitely possible.

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thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Matt!! i checked the Determinate installer, how would i install it on an brand new Framework laptop that has no Os? do i have to make an Usb drive installer, then use it during the boot? there is no instructions on how to do this on Zero to Nix, thankyou :slight_smile:

You donā€™t need the Determinate Nix installer, it serves a completely different purpose. Just do a standard NixOS installation.

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yes thanks, its easier that way, i think Determinate installer is for more suitable advanced users or programmers

The Determinate installer is for a completely different problem, namely that you have a preexisting operating system and want to run Nix inside it, in parallel to what it already has. Itā€™s a Nix installer, not a NixOS installerā€”the distinction is important in this case.

An analogous operation in the more conventional Linux distro world would be something like installing RPM and DNF to a Debian system and then attempting to install packages using those, except of course it wouldnā€™t work, whereas Nix uses a separate directory hierarchy under /nix so it does. Installing NixOS, by contrast, would be like installing Fedora: there are no coexistence problems because thereā€™s no coexistence happening.

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Thankyou for explaining it, i appreciate, although i see that Determninate installer uses Rust language for Nix, would it be possible for NixOs to be based upon Rust rather than Bash? if iā€™m asking the right question

Hello again, does anyone know how do create short cut keys on nixos easier way? e.g. i want to open firefox just by clicking Ctrl+Shift+f, can i do this on Gnome shortcuts? or do i have to write it in the config file? that is the firefox was installed using nixos pkgs, thanks

Iā€™m not a moderator or anything, but these kinds of questions are better suited for the NixOS discussion forums: