Framework NixOS (Linux) users self-help

Welcome to the forum. Seek and ye shall find.

Here’s another

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Welcome to the forum, check this out for some additional information and help.
The nixos-hardware repo specifically, has pre-defined configs you can import to work-around quirks or improve functionality.

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Thx, also (unrelated) but I see you are another Fairphone user! I’m using a Fairphone 5 and it’s going strong 6 months in.

Has anybody had any luck getting NixOS on the new Intel Ultra mainboard? Just got mine today, having issues getting sddm to start, looks like the most recent nixos-hardware is still just 13th gen.

Edit: Ah, user error, was using “intel” instead of “modesetting” for the video driver, switched to the right driver and now things seem to be working.

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