Framework’s Series A-1 and Community Participation

No, you can be in another country as long as you meet the SEC’s Accredited Investor qualifications. Note that individuals or those in countries that the US has trade restrictions with may not be able to participate.

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Another media article about this topic:


Well blast, don’t quite make the SD requirements. Very cool you’re opening it up, but while I can easily get that from my other investments to put in, I don’t meet those SEC requirements :frowning:

I do appreciate the effort to try directly investing a bit more accessible to the rest of us though.

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For those who have applied, did you receive an email confirmation or something of that sort? I didn’t receive an email confirmation and am wondering if something went wrong with my attempted signup :thinking:.

As Framework expands into new product lines, I’d like to see more interoperability between components and products. Like it would be great if a Framework TV was designed with a controller board that could be replaced with a Framework Laptop 13 mainboard. Or a Framework home monitoring system reuse the webcam module. Or a Framework wireless trackpad accessory reuse the laptop trackpad and fingerprint sensor button.

ZOMG, that seems like an amazing idea. Or at least, a fairly dumb TV, that has a spot for a FW13 mainboard or something like that. That’d be so cool!

I’d totally love to invest $10k into Framwork. Unfortunately I don’t meet the requirements. :frowning:

Finally, the Framework Printer


To answer your question, I did not receive the email either. It leaves a lot of open questions. Did the form work? When will we get to see financials to get our gauge of the financial health of the company before investing? Etc.

Hopefully, we hear something back soon!

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: LTE Cat 4 Cell Modem Card

@Destroya I am just now hearing of this opportunity. If possible, could you send me a link to the form? Many thanks!

Hey John, unfortunately applications for our Community Fundraise are now closed.

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Will there be another round? I’m interested and meet the “accredited investor” requirements, but missed out since applications closed before I found out about it.

Sorry to hear that you have missed it, we have not announced any other round for the future.

That’s not what he’s asking, he’s asking if there will be, not that you have announced. Although, I suppose you legally can’t really say if there will be or not.

Can you say if there’s the possibility in the future, that it might come back around?

If we decide to make another community fundraising round, we will be announcing it on our blog and I will be creating another community post here.

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@Aaron_Baff That is the kind of question that the company is restricted from answering. Take a look at the “Elon Musk funding secured” prosecution for what an egregious violation of the rules, and the market consequences thereof, look like.

Any announcement will be in a format that is instantly public with a fair chance for all investors to take in the information (so, a blog post).


As I then mentioned in my comment, I realized they can’t really say. But sounds like they’re open to the possibility.

Where in the selection process is the community participation round in? I haven’t received a request to sign an NDA, nor have I received a rejection.

Hey Gaben, you can reach out to our support team for further information.