Freesync AMD Framework 13

Hi there, I have a Framework 13 AMD Ryzen 7. I have 3 x Freesync monitors. The monitors are definately Freesync, used to work on my AMD PC just fine. However since moved to a Framework 13 AMD laptop, Freesync in the AMD Adrenaline app reports all my monitors as not compatible. A little frustrated to say the least.

I use a ThinkPad Gen2 Docking Station, monitors connected 1 x HDMI 2 x DisplayPort. Freesync doesnt work.

Tried connecting the monitors directly to the laptop, one at a time via the Framework HDMI expansion card, still Freesync doesnt work.

Any ideas? Is the Framework HDMI expansion card compatible with Freesync?

I don’t have a DispayPort expansion card, becasue a. I generally dont like DisplayPort, find the connections annoying and b. I usually use my laptop connected to the ThinkPad Gen 2 dock.

Any ideas on what’s going on here would be helpful.

Thanks all

I would be interested to know this too. Am considering a Freesync monitor.

Passing additive-snyc through mst hubs (which your dock uses to get more than 1 or 2 displays) is optional at least for dp <2 (I think that may have changed with 2.0 but I can’t find that info right now) and a lot of them don’t.

Why is that? It’s objectively the better protocol (unless you are the drm lobby) and the connector is pretty much the same (you can get cables without the locks if that is what’s bothering you).