The only change on the system is setting Windows 11 to Best Performance in the settings app. Otherwise it’s default running a prime95 torture test. It’s about 19c in the room and the laptop is sitting on a desk.
Sorry for the earlier confusion, my bad, I forgot to tune everything related to performance in BIOS back to Auto after messing with Smokeless UMAF. Now I got 35W then gradually lowered to 31~32W because my room temperature is 29C now. However I got 85.6C on Tctl only after PTM7950 while the reviewer got the same temp without doing anything to the cooling system. Before that I got 90+C at 28~30W and I cannot get 35W because my CPU could overheat, thermal throttle to 33W due to 100C even if STAPM % doesn’t exceed PPT SLOW limit, that was on a earlier test while ambient temperature was 21C.
However, no matter how hard I try, it’s not possible to make the APU STAPM % as low as PPT FAST %
It’s close, though.