FW13 (DIY) screen super dark

I’ve raised a support request but just wondering if anyone has encountered this before.
Setup the laptop with no issues at all, once I powered it on I thought it was doing the RAM check but was wondering why there was no indication of how long or the POST display etc.

now I reaslised that it’s just the back-light for the screen that’s not doing anything.

I then dismantled it again and checked the cables from the screen to the MB, and pushed slightly upwards against the padded flex cable that’s covered behind black tape and the screen seems to be more visible:

Wouldn’t let me attach a third image, but here’s where i’m at now.

If you are willing to try it you might remove the display to remove and reseat the cable on it. Since pushing up on it helped some, it’s possible that it is not fully engaged. Might be worth a try. Best of luck.

Well I think the cable end into the MB is fine, what felt crappy was what was under the black-tape.

In anycase i’m setting up Fedora now will try get more info on the cable once i’m done

Right, I mean the cable end into the display. You would have to remove the display to get to that.

My concern was however is that i’d have to remove the black tape to get access to the cable? Will have to have a deeper look once I get the time.

Will use the laptop over the next day or two and see how it goes, right now it’s been ok since i ‘pushed’ it.

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if i had to guess you dont have to remove any tapes, but rather take out the display and its on the rear side of it. my old laptop had it connected on the back with similar tape, but the tape was part of the cable