FW13 Further Development?

Is the FW13 going to keep receiving hardware updates (like new main boards, RGB keyboard, better web-cam and mic module, etc) once the FW16 hype fades?
I know it will keep being supported, but I want to know if there are future plans for the FW13 or if it’s all on the FW16 now.

Anyone have any ideas about where they would like to see future FW13 development go?


Framework has made no statements as to the end of the 13’s development, and I highly doubt they would just stop updating it now that the 16 is here. They also released 2 new Framework Laptop 13 mainboards after announcing the Framework Laptop 16. They have noted that they don’t plan to make a mainboard for it with the Ryzen 8000 chips, but only because there isn’t enough of a performance reason to do so, which I read as “we considered it, but are holding off in anticipation of 9000 series”


Better speakers!

Other than the tinny speakers, this 13" chassis with AMD mainboard will keep me smiling for a few more years. Can’t wait for the next mainboard swap in 2026 (and ordering it in 2025…).

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