FW13 Intel/Kubuntu 24.04/Plasma6 login screen uses geofenced language but should use system language

I’m using a Framework Laptop 13 13th Gen Intel® Core. On both Kubuntu 22.04 and 24.04, the login screen is displaying a language it apparently detected via geofencing (because I’m in the European country that uses that language) but after login, it correctly uses my chosen system language.

I cannot find a system setting for Login Screen to correct this.

This is a Kubuntu problem really, but other people have hit this problem for Kubuntu.

The login screen is managed by SDDM, the Systemd Display Manager, and it’s distinct from KDE Plasma. SDDM reads localization settings from /etc/default/locale [1] and you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales from a terminal [2] to set to the your desired value.

1: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1040844/wrong-language-displayed-by-sddm-on-login-kubuntu-18-04
2: https://wiki.debian.org/Locale
